Software and systems engineering group of Mondragon Unibertsitatea attends SISTEDES 2019 conference


Software and systems engineering group of Mondragon Unibertsitatea attends SISTEDES 2019 conference


Software and systems engineering group of Mondragon Unibertsitatea attends SISTEDES 2019 conference

During the conference, the Software and Systems Engineering group of Mondragon Unibertsitatea presented two works



One more year, the Mondragon Unibertsitatea Software and Systems Engineering Group attended the SISTEDES 2019 conference. held this year in Cáceres, on September 2-4. During the conference, the group presented the works “A general approach to Software Product Line Testing”, presented by Jon Ayerdi, and “Spectrum-based fault localisation in software product lines”, presented by Aitor Arrieta.

Both works were developed through the collaboration of researchers from Mondragon Unibertsitatea and the University of Seville and were presented on the track of Software Architectures and Variability of the Software Engineering and Database Conferences.