Successful participation of the students of Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering of Mondragon Unibertsitatea in the National Bottling and Packaging Awards


Successful participation of the students of Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering of Mondragon Unibertsitatea in the National Bottling and Packaging Awards


Successful participation of the students of Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering of Mondragon Unibertsitatea in the National Bottling and Packaging Awards

The contest organised by Cluster de Innovación en Envase y Embalaje seeks solutions to the real problems posed by companies.



On 16 May, the 10th delivery ceremony of the National Bottling and Packing Design and sustainability awards, organised by the Cluster de Innovación en Envase y Embalaje took place in Valencia, Spain. The finalist students of the 3rd year of the Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering of Mondragon Unibertsitatea were present and obtained very good results in their category.

Over 450 students from all over Spain from 20 universities participated in this 10th edition. The participants were required to respond to the challenges proposed by companies such as Consum, GBFoods, Hinojosa, Logifruit, Virospack, and SPB. 

The challenge launched by the company SPB (specialising in cleaning products) consisted of proposing new ways of refilling cleaning products that allow consumers to reuse the original container, thereby extending the service life of the container before its recycling.  In this category, a total of 25 projects were presented, and the winning proposal was presented by Ariane Atxa and Jone Sarasola, students of the 3rd year of the Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering of Mondragon Unibertsitatea. In addition, her colleagues Naia Bergaretxe and Aizpea Garmendia also achieved recognition for their work and obtained the first Áccesit award.

The winning project “ECO-Blink”, presented by Atxa and Sarasola consists of the design of an ecological refillable container that is sold empty and offers eight water-soluble refills for cleaning household floors. The type of refill for reuse of the product consisted of water-soluble tablets, and the proposal is based on pouring the tablet into water and shaking the product to prepare the floor soap. The box contains 8 tablets and is made of cardboard, thereby facilitating the recycling process. 

The first Áccesit award was for the project “Puzzle” presented by Naia Bergaretxe and Aizpea Garmendia, also students of the 3rd year of the Degree in Industrial Design. The proposal presents a bottle for refillable cleaning products that is sold empty and in compact mode. The user refills the container at home, which favours the use of the transport space of the bottle. 

In addition to returning with the prize under their belts, the four finalists will opt for the “Young Design” category of the Liderpack Awards, the most important awards in the bottling and packaging sector in Spain for professionals.  The projects that win the Liderpack will have a passport to international recognition, as they will represent Spain in the WorldStar Student, the most important global packaging contest.

Zorionak neskak! And good luck in the Liderpack awards!





