The student Arantxa Gonzalez de Heredia Lopez de Sabando obtained the qualification 'OUTSTANDING' with mention 'CUM LAUDE'


The student Arantxa Gonzalez de Heredia Lopez de Sabando obtained the qualification 'OUTSTANDING' with mention 'CUM LAUDE'


The student Arantxa Gonzalez de Heredia Lopez de Sabando obtained the qualification 'OUTSTANDING' with mention 'CUM LAUDE'



Thesis title: Integration of aging aspects into DBZ's people-centered design methodology.


  • Chairmanship: Rubén Rebollar Rubio (Universidad de Zaragoza)
  • Vocal:José Javier Yanguas Lezaun (Fundación bancaria ‘La Caixa’)
  • Vocal:Aiur Retegi Uria (Universidad de Deusto)
  • Vocal: Javier Aranceta Aguirre (MCC-Mondragon Componentes)
  • Secretary:Ganix Lasa Erle (Mondragon Unibertsitatea)


The ageing of the population is one of the most important challenges that society is facing nowadays. The diversity of people's capabilities is growing as society ages and therefore the needs and demands of today's market are evolving.

In this research the Elderpersonas and INKLUGI tools are developed to characterise qualitatively and quantitatively the existing diversity among older people. Elderpersonas allows empathising with the elderly and INKLUGI calculates the number of people excluded during the use of a product or service according to their age and gender. Both tools are integrated into DBZ's Human-Centred Innovation methodology through a case study focused on the activity of grocery shopping.