Mondragon Unibertsitatea's research into DC and AC/DC network control techniques presented in Germany


Mondragon Unibertsitatea's research into DC and AC/DC network control techniques presented in Germany


Mondragon Unibertsitatea's research into DC and AC/DC network control techniques presented in Germany

Dr. Barrena presented at Aachen DC Grid Summit (ADCGS) the result of their research into low-level control strategies for DC and AC/DC grids.



Dr. Jon Andoni Barrena and Dr. Eneko Unamuno, members of the research group in Electric Energy at Mondragon Unibertsitatea, have been invited to participate in the first Aachen DC Grid Summit (ADCGS) organised by FEN Research Campus. The main purpose of this newly created platform has been to advance in the development of DC electric grids, which will play a key role in the future electric infrastructure for the integration of renewable energy and energy storage systems, and for the transmission and distribution of energy at different voltage levels. 

In this conference, "Low-level control strategies for DC and AC/DC grids" , Dr. Jon Andoni Barrena has given a talk about the novel low-level control strategies they are developing that can be employed at any device connected to a DC grid (either generation, storage or even loads). The main advantage of the proposed techniques is that, by reproducing the behaviour of classical AC grids, the primary response and inertial behaviour of the DC grid can be easily configured to ensure a stable and reliable power supply.