Applying advanced services in organisations


Applying advanced services in organisations


Applying advanced services in organisations

The Faculty of Engineering of Mondragon Unibertsitatea is organising on 6 June the conference “Transform your organisation towards advanced services”.



On 6 June, the conference “Transform your organisation towards advanced services” will take place on the Orona-Ideo campus. The event organised by the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon is aimed at small and medium-sized companies, in profiles both in management and strategic vision, as well as those officers in charge of innovation or R&D units, and is part of the European TransferINN project, in which the school participates.

A programme adapted to the industrial reality

New technologies have made the business models based on advanced services have increased their sales exponentially and have managed to allow manufacturing companies to see advanced services as an ally in their development.  Therefore, this conference was structured with the aim of responding to this new reality. The event will address topics such as the context of servitisation and, particularly, advanced services, benchmarking of changes towards the servitisation, analysis of practical cases to the worldwide level of production organisations, identification of opportunities and weaknesses of customers in this area, creation of the value proposition, establishing the advanced services, identification of the strategic capacity of the organisation, and identification of levers and obstacles of the organisation to face a transformation towards advanced services.

The conference will begin at 9:30 am, with an introduction by Ali Z.Bigdeli, and continuing with workshops at 11:00 pm and at 2:00 pm. The first one will address the identification of the value proposition of advanced services, while second will address the benchmarking of activities and challenges of the transformation of organisations towards servitisation and advanced services.

Participation of Aston Business School

School Aston Business School is a teaching centre in which academics who are at the forefront of their discipline in terms of research and transfer share their teachings with students. Two of these academics will participate as speakers on the conference, namely Ali Z. Bigdeli and Neil Tumber. 

Ali Z. Bigdeli has developed his career with the aim of transforming organisations and guiding them towards something more comprehensive and complete, wanting to move away from the philosophy of producing products to simply sell them. In the last 5 years, he has worked helping small and medium companies, as well as multinationals, in order to pave the way for servitisation and to develop a project that helps them implement advanced services. In turn, Neil Tumber represents a bridge between participating organisations and those responsible for research, with extensive experience in production and operations thanks to his collaboration with high-turnover consumer goods production companies. 

The presentations will be in Spanish, but simultaneous interpreting services will be offered. Registration and more information at 

As we commented previously, the conference is part of the European TransferINN project, in which the school participates. The TransferINN project responds to the challenge of promoting innovation in the cross-border area (Spain-France-Andorra), with the aim of generating an innovation ecosystem. Thus, it is possible to facilitate the transfer of knowledge available in universities, technology centres, laboratories and centres similar to micro-enterprises, SMEs, and entrepreneurs.


  • 09:30 – 10:45 h. Keynote: Introduction and setting the context
  • 10:45 – 11:00 h. Tea/coffee break
  • 11:00 – 13:00 h. Workshop 1: Identifying advanced services value propositions for your customers
  • 13:00 – 14:00 h. Lunch
  • 14:00 – 15:45 h. Workshop 2: Benchmarking the activities and challenges of transforming your organisation towards servitization and advanced services
  • 15:45 – 16:30 h. Concluding remarks and next steps