SESSION The GAITZEN project led by Mondragon Unibertsitatea promoting intrapreneurship. 2021·06·09
Session for the exchange of learning among the participating companies.
THESIS Thesis defense of Ion Lizarraga Lizarraga 2021·06·07
Title of the thesis: "Determinación de las propiedades termofísicas y propiedades de transporte en mezclas binarias líquidas bajo condiciones de alta presión". Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE qualification.
INVESTIGACIÓN La naturaleza como base de investigación tecnológica 2021·05·17
El grupo de investigación de Tecnologías de Superficies de Mondragon Unibertsitatea ha publicado los resultados de la investigación realizada en colaboración con otras entidades internacionales. Los resultados están dando la vuelta al mundo.
THESIS Thesis defense of Daniel Bernal Rodríguez 2021·04·23
Title of the thesis: "Hierarchical microstructure design and cast processing route of a modified TNM gamma TiAl alloy.". Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE qualification.
PROGRAMA Programa de apoyo para la incorporación del human centered design en la empresa. Presentación de casos de empresas 2021·04·22
Son muchos los problemas a los que se enfrentan las empresas en su día a día, pero son pocas las empresas que integran a las personas implicadas en su resolución. El método del Diseño Centrado en las Personas puede ayudarte con la solución.
THESIS Thesis defense of Unai Izagirre Aizpitarte 2021·04·15
Title of the thesis: "Towards data-driven predictive maintenance for industrial robots". Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE qualification.
SEMINARIO Webinar: Desarrollo de sistemas eléctricos con diseño basado en modelos 2021·03·26
El seminario se centrará en la aplicación de técnicas de simulación en tiempo real para el estudio de sistemas eléctricos, convertidores electrónicos de potencia y sistemas de almacenamiento, que serán claves para avanzar hacia soluciones innovadoras en materia de eficiencia energética, energía renovable y movilidad eléctrica.
PROJECT The European project LIBERTY develops automotive batteries of the future 2021·03·23
Engineering Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea participates together with 15 other entities in this European project led by Ikerlan.
CONFERENCE Cooperation between cooperatives during the pandemic 2021·02·19
The Higher Polytechnic School hosted a conference aimed at master's students in which various cooperatives explained their success stories during the pandemic
PROJECT The Heat&Cook project generates 6 patents on domestic and professional heating systems 2021·02·19
The ACEDE Cluster has joined forces with Copreci, Domusa, Eika, Fagor Industrial and Orkli, as well as with Ikerlan, Centro Stirling and Mondragon Unibertsitatea in this project financed by the Hazitek programme, which will generate almost 70 jobs
CONFERENCE Do you have ideas for dealing with international strategic challenges? Take part in the IDEATOIA conference! 2021·02·17
Health, digital transformation and climate change will be the social challenges to be addressed by students at this conference which is part of an international contest, MONDRAGON CITY CHALLENGE, which pursues the objective of promoting cooperative entrepreneurship.
WEBINAR Webinar gratuito sobre opciones de compartir y publicar paneles en Power BI Service con Marisa Ajuria 2021·02·17
Este Webinar organizado por Mondragon Unibertsitatea tendrá lugar el próximo 25 de febrero de la mano de Marisa Ajuria, formadora en nuestros cursos de Business Intelligence y Power BI, donde nos mostrará las diferentes opciones de seguridad que nos ofrece el entorno de Microsoft Power BI para trabajar de forma colaborativa con diferentes equipos, departamentos, franquicia, delegaciones, etc. Así como las opciones que tenemos de compartir nuestros informes con terceros . ¡No te pierdas este webinar!
ONLINE WORKSHOP CircularTRANS workshop: Project offering best practices, tools and advice to companies to move towards circular economy 2021·02·16
The CircularTRANS project promoted by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and Mondragon Unibertsitatea aims to improve the competitiveness of companies through the transition to a circular economy.
CONFERENCE Researchers of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa participate in the organization of the 6th International Conference on New Business Models 2021·02·10
The conference will be held on June 9-11 (online) and submissions deadline ends on February 14.
COLLABORATION Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa and ikerlan create a steering team to strengthen their strategic collaboration 2021·02·01
Both organisations have made a commitment to work together on different future challenges such as attracting and developing talent and excellence in the field of research.
PROJECT InSecTT - The largest joint project in Europe on artificial intelligence of things 2021·01·29
Mondragon Unibertsitatea is involved in the project, which encompasses two of the main drivers of innovation: Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things
INDUSTRIA 4.0 The first edition of the executive programme in industry 4.0 promoted by 4GUNE is launched 2021·01·29
The executive programme is taught by educators and expert professionals from the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, the Faculty of Computer Studies of the Universidad del País Vasco, the Universitary School of EngineerIng Dual IMH, the Faculty of Engineering of the Universidad de Deusto and Tecnun-Universidad de Navarra
ELKARDESIGN II The Human Centered Design of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa launches ELKARDESIGN II project 2021·01·26
The second edition of ELKARDESIGN project aims to generate models to embed Strategic Design in the companies of Gipuzkoa
The lecturer and researcher at the Polytechnic School has been recognised for her work on her doctoral thesis.
THESIS Thesis defense of Rafael Lizarralde Dorronsoro 2021·01·11
Title of the thesis: "Modelo de evaluación y selección de nuevas tecnologías en un centro tecnológico de manufacturing". Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE qualification.
The Higher Polytechnic School offers a new course in Goierri on Industrial Management and Organisation
SEMINAR The key to the Demand-Driven enterprise: from traditional MRP to Demand Driven MRP (DDMRP) 2020·12·17
The Higher Polytechnic School organised a conference to raise awareness of DDMRP, an innovative method for materials management.
THESIS Thesis defense of Laura Oca Pérez 2020·12·11
Title of the thesis: "Pouch cell fabrication process optimisation through physico-chemical modelling and characterisation". Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE qualification.
CONFERENCE The CASEIB 2020 online conference hosts presentations by two students from Mondragon Unibertsitatea 2020·12·09
A second year student of the Biomedical Technologies master's degree presented his experience of shared learning, while PhD student David Romero participated, presenting a paper on retinal analysis in OCT imaging.
CONFERENCE Research staff from Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa and Ikerlan, authors of the best scientific paper presented at the IEEE VPPC conference 2020·12·04
The IEEE Vehicular Power and Propulsion Conference 2020 was held in November and brought together researchers from all over the world.
CONFERENCE Conference on regenerative medicine for those studying for the Master's Degree in Biomedical Technologies 2020·11·19
Cristina Eguizabal, Head of the Research Unit of the Basque Transfusion and Human Tissue Centre, has offered a lecture to Master's degree students to deepen their knowledge about types of stem cells and the research projects that are ongoing in this field.
Social Networks Mondragon University in Spotify 2020·11·12
Now you can listen to the experts from Mondragon University on the Spotify podcasts
CURSOS Cursos sobre inteligencia artificial y visión artificial para profesionales 2020·11·06
Mondragon Unibertsitatea imparte sesiones en los nuevos cursos sobre Inteligencia Artificial para la Industria y Visión Artificial con Deep Learning organizados por el Grupo Spri para sus sedes de Garaia Enpresa Digitala y Bizkaia Enpresa Digitala.
THESIS Thesis defense of Dorleta Ibarra 2020·10·30
Title of the thesis: "Business model innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises: an exploration of key drivers and performance implications". Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE qualification and INTERNATIONAL DOCTOR mention .
WEB Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa pone en marcha el espacio de orientación ZTIMUlab 2020·10·21
La web ZTIMUlab ofrece talleres, exposiciones, formaciones y una gran variedad de actividades dirigidas al alumnado y profesorado de los centros escolares con el objetivo de fomentar las temáticas STEM en los más jóvenes, especialmente entre las mujeres