8th Conference on Cooperativism The eighth Conference on Cooperativism collected reflections to promote co-responsible attitudes 2024·06·18
The conference, which was entitled 'Responsible people in co-responsible cooperatives', was hosted by the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences on the Eskoriatza campus.
ENTREGA La Escuela Politécnica de Mondragon Unibertsitatea entrega once becas para impulsar proyectos tecnológicos sostenibles 2024·06·18
Entrega de once becas a ideas innovadoras, tecnológicas y sostenibles de ‘Industrial Sustainable Entrepreneurship Awards’
Project Ecodigital Industrial Transformation 2024·06·17
MIK, Research Center in Business Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Mondragon Corporation attached to the Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, participates in the EDIT project, led by Bidasoa activa
VISITA Visita de un grupo de la Universidad Europea de Madrid para la creación de un prototipo en la Escuela Politécnica Superior de Mondragon Unibertsitatea 2024·06·17
Visita de un grupo de la Universidad Europea de Madrid
PRESENTACIÓN Presentación del reto de segundo semestre del Máster Universitario en Operaciones Logístico y Productivas (MUDOLP) 2024·06·13
Presentación el 12 de junio del reto de segundo semestre de MUDOLP
Doctoral dissertation Idurre Gaztañazatorre earns a rating of outstanding ‘cum laude’ for her doctoral dissertation 2024·06·12
The defense of the dissertation, entitled “Hezkuntzaren ikuspegi sozio-kulturalean oinarritutako ikaste-prozesuen karakterizazioa. Kasu baten azterketa: Arrankudiaga Herri Eskola” (“A characterization of learning processes based on the socio-cultural perspective of education. A case study: Arrankudiaga Public School”), was held on the Eskoriatza campus.
Agreement signed The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences and the Aretxabaleta City Council sign an agreement to promote collaboration between the two institutions 2024·06·11
The meeting, which was held on Mondragon University’s Aretxabaleta campus, reaffirmed the willingness of both parties to continue collaborating closely. In addition to ratifying the agreements reached to date, with this agreement the city council and agents of Aretxabaleta will be able to use the hall that will be located in the new space that is being built next to the campus building, IdeiEnea.
Event Mondragon Team Academy at South Summit 2024: Boosting Innovation and Connecting Generations of Entrepreneurs 2024·06·11
The Mondragon Team Academy (MTA) community has experienced very special days at the South Summit 2024 in Madrid. With the participation of representatives of several generations of students and graduates of the degree in Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation (LEINN), around 50 leinners and graduates attended this important event of innovation and entrepreneurship
A total of 5 teams took part. This week the spring 3x3 basketball championship has been played 2024·06·11
A total of 5 teams took part and the winners were Alvaro Martin, Beñat Etxeberria, Erik Aranzabal and Unai Conde from the TAKE team.
2024 Kimu Berri awards The 2024 Kimu Berri prizes for the best End-of-Degree projects in Audiovisual Communication have been awarded 2024·06·11
On June 7, in an event held on the Aretxabaleta campus, 4th-year students in Audiovisual Communication presented their End-of-Degree Projects publicly and participated in the Kimu Berri awards. The event was attended by the students, their Faculty tutors and the tutors and representatives of the collaborating organizations.
It began on 1 June and will run until 21 June.
Awarded Diplomas Mondragon Unibertsitatea awarded diplomas to 81 leinners in Tabakalera 2024·06·10
This year LEINN will graduate 180 leinners in the different laboratories of Mondragon Team Academy
Euspot 2024 Mondragon University audiovisual communication student oihan loiti wins first prize at Euspot 2024 2024·06·10
The awards ceremony took place last Thursday in Aretxabaleta. A total of 89 ads were entered in the competition, now in its 13th year.
PREMIOS Dos Premios en el XVI Congreso de Mecánica SMSM de Marrakech para el grupo de Mecánica de Fluidos de MGEP-MU 2024·06·10
Dos doctorados del grupo de investigación de Mecánica de Fluidos de Mondragon Unibertsitatea fueron galardonados como la mejor comunicación de tipo “Poster” en el área de Mecánica de Fluidos y Transferencia Térmica y en el área de Mecánica y Materiales.
Yesterday we had the spring karting championship in Olaberria. Spring Karting Championship 2024·06·07
A total of 16 students took part and the winner was Jokin Ascaray.
Spring 7-a-side football Championship This Wednesday the spring 7-a-side football championship of Mondragon Unibertsitatea was played in Arrasate 2024·06·07
27 teams and around 310 students participated in this tournament organized at the Arrasate sports facilities.
Poster day Students in the bachelor's degree program in Global Digital Humanities present their End-of-Degree Projects 2024·06·06
The students of the first graduating class of the Bachelor's Degree Program in Global Digital Humanities have presented their End-of-Degree Projects, which they carried out in collaboration with various entities. Together with representatives of these entities, Naiara Goia, director of ArantzazuLab, and Josep Maria Vilalta, expert in public policy and Executive Secretary of the Catalan Association of Public Universities, participated in the presentation, which was held at Bilbao AS Fabrik.
Popular sports and table games triumphed in the special festival of As-Fabrik Hirurak Bat 2024 sports activities 2024·06·06
Students and workers participated in the activities organized by the sports service.
Padel tournament Goierri Padel tournament was played in Goierri 2024·06·06
5 couples have participated in this tournament
Event Participating in South Summit allows us to continue driving innovation and business growth 2024·06·05
Once again this year, MONDRAGON and the Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, through Mondragon Ventures-Center for Corporate Promotion and Mondragon Team Academy respectively, will actively participate in the 13th edition of the South Summit 2024 event, which will take place from June 5 to 7, in Madrid
Job opportunity The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences seeks to hire a Techno-pedagogical consultant / Content curator 2024·06·03
The deadline to submit CVs is June 24, 2024.
Basque rural sports Basque rural sports meeting 2024·06·03
We took part in the Basque rural sports meeting organised as part of the Arrasate Rugby team's beer fair.
Job opportunity The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences seeks to hire a teacher/researcher in the field of Didactics of Technology 2024·06·03
The deadline to submit CVs is June 24, 2024.
VISITA Desde Finlandia de visita a la Escuela Politécnica Superior de Mondragon Unibertsitatea 2024·06·03
Visita de la Universidad finlandesa VAMK
CHARLA Estudiantes del Máster en Ingeniería Industrial se sumergen en la Propulsión Aeronáutica de la mano de ITP Aero 2024·06·03
Charla sobre la propulsión Aeronáutica de ITP Aero
LEINN Entrepreneurs of the LEINN degree at Mondragon Unibertsitatea Propose the Creation of a Wellness Forum to Promote EPSVs 2024·06·03
A team of students/entrepreneurs from Mondragon Unibertsitatea's LEINN (Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation) degree have presented an innovative proposal to create a Wellness Forum
Canyoning Canyoning in Leze 2024·06·02
Canyoning in the bowels of the mountains of Alava
ACUERDO La Escuela Politécnica Superior de Mondragon Unibertsitatea y Elkartu firman un acuerdo para desarrollar proyectos de accesibilidad universal 2024·05·31
La firma del convenio ha tenido lugar hoy y en él han estado presentes Carlos García, coordinador de la Escuela Politécnica Superior de Mondragon Unibertsitea, y Alfonso López Etxezarreta, presidente de Elkartu (Federación Coordinador de Personas con Discapacidad Física de Gipuzkoa
LanHezi project Third LanHezi conference to reflect on the dual model 2024·05·30
The conference on June 13 is part of the LanHezi project. Under the title "The Dual model: Collaboration between companies and Vocational Training," representatives from the fields of Vocational Training, companies and universities will participate in the reflection.
ACUERDO Acuerdo de colaboración científico-tecnológico entre ITP Aero y la Escuela Politécnica Superior de Mondragon 2024·05·30
el acuerdo se basa en la puesta en marcha de un nuevo programa de investigación, transferencia y formación colaborativa entre la empresa aeroespacial y el centro universitario