
KoNet has distributed the prizes of 3 of the organized actions

PARTICIPATION KoNet has distributed the prizes of 3 of the organized actions 2018·04·24

In this case, the actions have coincided with World Snow Day, World Radio Day and International Woman’s Day

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Omron Europa dona un kit de seguridad a Mondragon Unibertsitatea

CONVENIO Omron Europa dona un kit de seguridad a Mondragon Unibertsitatea 2018·04·24

El Omron Safety Educational kit está compuesto por los elementos de seguridad más habituales en procesos de automatización y servirá para la formación de futuros/as técnicos/as e ingenieros/as.

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Social gathering ACABE 2018·04·23

The ACABE group offered a talk about anorexia and bulimia.

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Abierta la matrícula para el curso intensivo de Neuroeducación Física

curso intensivo Abierta la matrícula para el curso intensivo de Neuroeducación Física 2018·04·23

El curso lo impartirá la experta Irene Pellicer y se llevará a cabo los días 11 y 12 de mayo en el campus de Aretxabaleta.

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EDERTEK firma un acuerdo de colaboración con la Escuela Politécnica Superior

CONVENIO EDERTEK firma un acuerdo de colaboración con la Escuela Politécnica Superior 2018·04·23

El acuerdo cubre los ámbitos de formación, investigación y desarrollo de productos relacionados con tecnologías de mecanizado, fundición, estampación, composites e Industria 4.0.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea's research into DC and AC/DC network control techniques presented in Germany

RESEARCH Mondragon Unibertsitatea's research into DC and AC/DC network control techniques presented in Germany 2018·04·20

Dr. Barrena presented at Aachen DC Grid Summit (ADCGS) the result of their research into low-level control strategies for DC and AC/DC grids.

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The world's first gastronomic technology centre

BCC The world's first gastronomic technology centre 2018·04·19

Basque Culinary Center creates the world's first gastronomic technology centre

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Magic at Biteri again

Sociocultural Magic at Biteri again 2018·04·18

2nd session of magic in Biteri, this time with the amazing Asier Kidam.

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160 professionals will participate in the conference entitled “Moving forward together in the journey toward educational transformation”

conference 160 professionals will participate in the conference entitled “Moving forward together in the journey toward educational transformation” 2018·04·18

The conference will take place on April 19 on the Orona-Ideo campus of Mondragon University in Goierri.

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Education Students visit Baigorri and strengthen collaboration with the Etxauzia project

COOPERATION Education Students visit Baigorri and strengthen collaboration with the Etxauzia project 2018·04·17

13 Mondragon University students had the opportunity to visit Lower Navarre and become personally acquainted with the social, economic and cultural Etxauzia project.

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Health week

Health Health week 2018·04·16

Activities for the promotion of health

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T-shirt workshop

Sociocultural T-shirt workshop 2018·04·16

The Drawing Group have set a workshop where we´ve been able to custom our own t-shirts.

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Haragi, the 1st Meat and Grill International Meeting

BASQUE CULINARY CENTER Haragi, the 1st Meat and Grill International Meeting 2018·04·16

Local and international grill chefs will meet at Haragi, the 1st Meat and Grill International Meeting in Tolosa.

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Altrius the magician

Sociocultural Altrius the magician 2018·04·11

First session of the Cycle of Magic with Altrius the magician.

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Social gathering Bizikletan 2018·04·11

An adventurous couple tell us about the experiences lived with their dog traveling around world by bicycle.

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Professor Eneko Bidegain has published his book “Lurraldea eta herria”

PUBLICATION Professor Eneko Bidegain has published his book “Lurraldea eta herria” 2018·04·11

The essay was published by the publishing house Pamiela in conjunction with the Specialist Course in Basque Cultural Transmission of the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences.

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Almost 100% of Basque Culinary Center graduates find jobs

BASQUE CULINARY CENTER Almost 100% of Basque Culinary Center graduates find jobs 2018·04·09

100% employability.

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Defensa de la tesis de Myriam Soto

Tesis Defensa de la tesis de Myriam Soto 2018·03·27

Título de tesis: Aplicabilidad de análisis estadísticos de diseño observacional basados en indicadores de proceso y el análisis de impacto presupuestario para la evaluación de intervenciones integradas en salud. Obtuvo la calificación SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE.

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The HOST congress on Trends and Innovation in Dining Room and Service will be held on 7 and 8 May

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Demium Startups

Incubadora de Negocios Demium Startups 2018·03·26

Demium Startups abre una sede en Euskadi dirigida a emprendedores

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Mentoring sessions

Sociocultural Mentoring sessions 2018·03·22

Some students from Biteri, with the help of the Urgatzi Group, go as volunteers to a series of tutorial sessions to help other teenagers with support classes.

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Sociocultural Childcare 2018·03·21

Some students from the teaching grade put into practice what they study by looking after a group of kids at Arimazubi Ikastola.

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Ya está en marcha la 11ª edición de Huhezinema

Huhezinema Ya está en marcha la 11ª edición de Huhezinema 2018·03·21

Hoy, 21 de marzo, ha dado comienzo la 11ª edición de Huhezinema, el Festival de Cortos Vascos organizado por los estudiantes del cuarto curso del Grado de Comunicación Audiovisual.

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deactivated the protocol of action in the event of snowfall: afternoon classes will be normal

SNOWFALL PROTOCOL deactivated the protocol of action in the event of snowfall: afternoon classes will be normal 2018·03·20

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea publica un artículo en la revista Nanoscale

INVESTIGACIÓN COLABORATIVA Mondragon Unibertsitatea publica un artículo en la revista Nanoscale 2018·03·20

La prestigiosa revista de la Royal Society of Chemistry recoge el artículo en el que han participado investigadores de la Escuela Politécnica Superior.

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Mus tournament in Bilbao

Tournament Mus tournament in Bilbao 2018·03·17

Biteri Hall of Residence has been invited to a mus tournament at Miguel de Unamuno Mayor Residence Hall.

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Defensa de la tesis de Itxaso Amorrortu

Tesis Defensa de la tesis de Itxaso Amorrortu 2018·03·16

Título de tesis: The crew scheduling problem of an interurban public transport bus company. Obtuvo la calificación SOBRESALIENTE.

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Championship Spanish soccer champioship 2018·03·16

It can not be

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El proyecto TUBALLOY culmina con éxito su primera fase

INVESTIGACIÓN COLABORATIVA El proyecto TUBALLOY culmina con éxito su primera fase 2018·03·15

Cumplidos los objetivos de la primera fase, Tubacex y Mondragon Unibertsitatea han solicitado una segunda anualidad dentro de la convocatoria ELKARTEK 2018 con el objetivo de culminar el proyecto.

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Defensa de la tesis de Mikel Saez de Buruaga

Tesis Defensa de la tesis de Mikel Saez de Buruaga 2018·03·14

Título de la tesis: A novel procedure based on 2D finite element modeling and orthogonal cutting tests to predict machinability and tool wear evolution considering the microstructure effect of lamellar ferrite-pearlite steels. Obtuvo la calificación SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE.

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