LEINN Creating solutions for conscious and sustainable delivery: Koiki, Leinn and Fundación Emplea 2022·03·02
The leinners have poured all their potential to solve two strategic challenges for the organization of sustainable delivery and social inclusion Koiki
Encuentro BBF A new Topaketa-Alianzas- Alliances meeting: from impact to systemic impact. 2022·02·23
After the December session at the BBF, the new meeting held in February
Awarding diplomas Mondragon Unibertsitatea awarded the diplomas of its Dual Business Administration and Management degree, university masters and programs for professionals to 320 graduates of the 18/19 and 19/20 graduating classes 2022·02·21
The ceremony was held on Friday from 18:00 hours at the Kursaal in Donostia
Social Development - MTA Nine teams of entrepreneurs from the Basque Country, Kenya and Senegal will defend their projects on the right to health to develop them in Africa and the Basque Country 2022·02·10
The program promoted by Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Mondragon Team Academy seeks the creation of new companies that promote social development, in this case, the Right to Health, and generate positive impact in both Africa and the Basque Country
MTA - Mondragon Unibertsitatea The innovative entrepreneurship model of MTA - Mondragon Unibertsitatea is exhibited this week at the Dubai World Expo as a success story 2022·02·03
Mondragon Team Academy has been invited by the High Commissioner of Spain to participate in the Entrepreneurial Nation Summit to be hosted by the Spanish pavilion in Dubai
LEINN Do you know the Mondragon Team Academy FALKON Model? 2022·02·01
From the 2020-21 academic year, the formal implementation of the MTA FALKON Model (pedagogical framework) in the LEINN degree has begun
MTA - LEINN Entrepreneurship Education Week: futures, dissemination, coaching and innovation in society 2022·01·31
Entrepreneurship Education Week, which was created within the framework of International Education Day, was held at national level for the second time from 25 to 29 January
Participation NorBainoNor. The challenge game comes to KoNet 2022·01·20
Beginning on Monday, January 24, you will be able to participate in the KoNet challenge game. If you don’t have the app on your cell phone, download it now!
Web New website for professionals 2022·01·19
Mondragon University has published a new website for professionals where you can find countless courses to update your knowledge.
Contest Mondragon Unibertsitatea's myGADE Dual Degree in Business Administration and Management student Iciar Alonso wins the "Game of Traders" contest 2022·01·19
Iciar Alonso, a myGADE student, has won first prize in the fifth edition of the investment contest organized by Bankinter
Press conference New educational offer for 2022-2023 2022·01·14
In the academic year 2022-2023, Mondragon Unibertsitatea will offer 18 Bachelor's Degrees and 19 Master's Degrees
BDATA Students of the Degree in Business Data Analytics (BDatA) present their predictions to Bilbao Port on the activity in 2022 2021·12·22
The students have made a prediction of traffic in 2022 for seven selected countries and for this they have had, for three months, the collaboration of the Port Authority and PortLab, its innovation hub
Postgraduate TEAMINN Mastery International program 12th EDITION 2021·12·22
an International Executive Program in Team Coaching & Learning Facilitation launched by Mondragon Team Academy (MTA) and accredited by Mondragon Unibertsitatea
Meeting Topaketa Alianzas in the BBF: collaborating to create impact 2021·12·21
More than 35 social organisations and businesses with purpose came together on the afternoon of the 15th December for the second Topaketa Alianzas
World Congress Basque cooperativism in SEOUL, inauguration and strategic agreements for the cooperative movement 2021·12·16
The XXXIII World Cooperative Congress held in Seoul from December 1st to 3rd
Online conference Dialogues on innovation in social economy and cooperativism 2021·12·13
Cándido Román Cervantes, director of CESCO (Cajasietede Chair of Social and Cooperative Economy at the University of La Laguna), and Julen Iturbe-Ormaetxe, artisan consultant, teacher and researcher at Enpresagintza
Lab MTA Mondragon Unibertsitatea signs an agreement with Malaga City Council to promote Malaga as an entrepreneurship ecosystem 2021·12·03
Mondragon Unibertsitatea will set up an entrepreneurship and innovation laboratory in Malaga
Women’s Entrepreneurship Day Entrepreneurship from university: 50 women under 30 who have completed LEINN degree and now have their own companies 2021·11·18
To mark International Women’s Entrepreneurship Day, which is celebrated on 19 November, Mondragon Team Academy, a global community dedicated to training in team-entrepreneurship wants to highlight the work done by LEINNers wh have been part of some of the undergraduate or postgraduate courses taught by Mondragon Unibertsitatea in the field of entrepreneurship. To this end, it shares the list of 50 women, all under 30 years of age, who started out as teampreneurs at the age of 18 during their time at university and who today have consolidated their own companies in different sectors.
Ashoka Sharing experiences between agents of the BBF ecosystem and social entrepreneurs of Ashoka Spain 2021·11·12
After the meeting held on November 8 at BBK Kuna, the home of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Bizkaia, with the presentation of Ashoka Social Entrepreneurs 2021, it was time to share experiences in Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria
Learning week BBF Week of learnings in Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria 2021·11·10
Several learnings in our entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Mondragon Team Academy Community and Demo Day at the Bilbao Berrikuntza Factory 2021·11·10
Mondragon Team Academy community has celebrated the Community and Demo Day at Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria.
Mondragon Team Academy The Mondragon Team Academy Entrepreneurship Network, together with the LEINN Degree, have been presented in Preston 2021·11·08
A delegation of MONDRAGON representatives presented a report on the generation of cooperative entrepreneurship ecosystems and their social impact.
Agreement Mondragon Unibertsitatea and LABORAL Kutxa have signed an agreement to boost innovation, entrepreneurships and talent 2021·10·20
Both institutions will collaborate in the field of research and transfer in areas of mutual interest, promoting the implementation of programmes, projects and activities and fostering knowledge generation, exchange and transfer between them.
Entrepreneurship Mondragon Unibertsitatea has shown today some of the innovative projects of the Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria Entrepreneurship Centre 2021·10·18
The University participates in the forum "Dialogue on the Future of Science and Innovation held in Bilbao
AGREEMENT Mondragon University, the University of the Basque Country, the University of Deusto and Arantzazulab come together to jointly develop an innovative laboratory research space 2021·10·15
Through a collaboration agreement signed between Arantzazulab and the three universities, these institutions will jointly undertake research work and other activities in order to become an exemplary center in strategic laboratory areas.
Agreetment Agreement of the Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea through Mondragon Team Academy with AI POWER and EYWA SPACE 2021·09·28
The Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, through its entrepreneurship unit Mondragon Team Academy, on the one hand, and AI POWER and EYWA SPACE, on the other hand, both venture builders in Artificial Intelligence and AR/VR respectively, have signed an agreement to create a framework for the creation of new startups, within the incubation and acceleration programs that are developed through the Degree in Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation LEINN
LEINN-MTA The MTA Global Community: 400 New Team Entrepreneurs Connected 2021·09·24
Between August and September, 400 new team entrepreneurs, in 9 locations, have started the Official European Bachelor Degree LEINN (Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation), creating 23 new team companies as learning tools that allow them to develop entrepreneurial projects from the first day in the Degree. For the first time in 12 years, the community has more than 1,000 active team entrepreneurs discovering LEINN, reaching 74 team companies across the different Labs of Mondragon Team Academy (MTA).
COVID More than 80% of Mondragon University undergraduates and Master’s students have started the academic year with 100% in-person classes, and the remaining 20% will join them beginning on 2021·09·24
The Department of Education has decided to return to in-person classes in the Basque university system.
Ranking Mondragon University among the 10 best universities in Spain at U-Multirank 2021·09·23
U-Multirank is considered the largest and most detailed university ranking in the world
Jornada Jornada Employee Experience 2021·09·17
Jornada sobre la importancia de la Employee Experience en la Gestión de Personas