Fostering creativity among second-year students of vocational training


Fostering creativity among second-year students of vocational training


Fostering creativity among second-year students of vocational training

Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa launches an initiative to promote entrepreneurial culture among students



The last week of November was marked by the training activity called “Promotion of creativity among second-year students”, which is part of the project to promote the entrepreneurial culture of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, called Lan Mundurako Bestelako Gaitasunak Ikasten (LMBGI).

In it, new approaches were presented that will address entrepreneurship after completion of studies. It consisted of addressing methods to value and take advantage of creativity, the emotionality of creativity, etc.  focusing on helping our students to develop their creative abilities.

The consulting firm Manahmana guided this training, which had a great reception by the second-year students of vocational training of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa.

* This activity has been funded by the Basque Government.