DBZ launches ERALGADI project


DBZ launches ERALGADI project


DBZ launches ERALGADI project

ERALGADI seeks to promote capabilities for the transformation of SMEs in Gipuzkoa through human-centred design.



The Design Innovation Centre (DBZ) has launched the project "ERALGADI, Dynamic Capabilities for the transformation of SMEs in Gipuzkoa through human-centred design". The project aims to generate, transfer and disseminate knowledge on human-centred design (HCD) Dynamic Capabilities that promote the exploration and exploitation of opportunities for SMEs in Gipuzkoa in contexts of transformation and uncertainty. The capabilities that the project aims to promote in particular are: design research, co-creation, visualisation and prototyping. These practices are characteristic of HCD and reinforce organizational competences to explore and exploit opportunities in contexts of technological-digital, energy-climatic and socio-sanitary transformation. The project is supported by the "Programme to promote the generation of opportunities, differential value and sustainability of the business fabric of Gipuzkoa" of the Department of Economic Promotion and Strategic Projects of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa.

The main results to be achieved with this project are:

  1. A research to identify opportunities to strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs in Gipuzkoa through the HCD Dynamic Capacities.
  2. In-company training of four SMEs in Gipuzkoa in HCD Dynamic Capabilities, identification of opportunities to increase the competitiveness of these SMEs and modelling of four cases of success.
  3. Dissemination of the results of the project to the business fabric of Gipuzkoa and society in general to encourage the implementation of HCD Dynamic Capabilities in other organisations, especially SMEs, through awareness-raising and sensitisation actions.

If you are interested in your SME being one of the four companies that receive the free in-company training, contact ilegarda@mondragon.edu.

