The student Erislandy Mozo Bigñotte obtained an OUTSTANDING CUM LAUDE qualification with 'International Doctor' mention


The student Erislandy Mozo Bigñotte obtained an OUTSTANDING CUM LAUDE qualification with 'International Doctor' mention


The student Erislandy Mozo Bigñotte obtained an OUTSTANDING CUM LAUDE qualification with 'International Doctor' mention



Thesis title: Evaluation and enhancement of IEEE 802.11 amendments for the connected train


  • Chairmanship: Ramiro Sámano Robles (Instituto Politécnico do Porto)
  • Vocal:Jorge Portilla Berrueco (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
  • Vocal:Iker Sobrón Polancos (EHU/UPV)
  • Vocal: Igor López Orbe (CAF)
  • Secretary:Aitor Lizeaga Goikoetxea (Mondragon Unibertsitatea)


The Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication is a wireless technology aimed at enabling data exchanges between a vehicle and its surroundings, which is standardized and has great popularity in industry and academia. In the railway domain, even though the use of wireless communications for signaling purposes is not new, the use of a subset of V2X technologies for traffic safety-related services is currently under research since the current communication systems deployed do not provide the requirements demanded by these services. Thus, they allow increasing the safety, reliability, and performance of this transportation medium.

In this thesis we focus on the 802.11p/bd amendments where we evaluate their performance to support Train-to-Infrastructure (T2I) and Train-to-Train (T2T) communication links, that will enable traffic-safety related services and eventually the implementation of different degrees of automation in the railway. In addition, an adaptation of the Comb-type Pilot-based Channel Estimation (CPCE) method is proposed for channel tracking for 802.11bd and improving its performance in scenarios with high Doppler spread. It is also benchmarked against the Midamble-based Channel Estimation (MCE) method which is the candidate method used in 802.11bd.

In order to evaluate the performance of 802.11bd in railway, it is essential to consider the propagation characteristics of railway environments with dedicated channel models for simulation and testing. For the T2I propagation link, we have used a parametrized Winner II channel model for simulation purposes, whereas for T2T a gap has been identified in the current state of the art. Therefore, an effort has been made in collaboration with the German Research Center for Aeronautics and Space (DLR). Based on measurement campaign data, six Tapped Delay Line (TDL) channel models have been derived for T2T communications as well as their stochastic parameters. The proposed TDL channel models and the measured propagation characteristics have been used in an 802.11p/bd simulation framework in order to validate its performance as well as to evaluate the performance of the used communication protocols.