A student of the Biomedical Engineering degree has received the award for the best poster at the EMRS 2023 congress.
A student of the Biomedical Engineering degree has received the award for the best poster at the EMRS 2023 congress.
A student of the Biomedical Engineering degree has received the award for the best poster at the EMRS 2023 congress.
The work presented by student Malen Razkin is the result of her Final Degree Project.
The student Malen Razkin, a fourth year student of the Degree in Biomedical Engineering of Mondragon Unibertsitatea has received the award for the best poster at the 2023 Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS), specifically she participated in the Symposium L "Making Light Matter: Lasers in Materials Science and Photonics". The work presented is the result of the Final Degree Project developed in collaboration with the Surface Technologies Research Group of Mondragon Unibertsitatea and the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM).
The poster presented by Razkin was entitled Bacterial adhesion on fs-laser processed laser-induced periodic surface structures and was awarded the "Outstanding Student Poster Award". Bacteria are ubiquitous and colonize all types of surfaces, including those closest to humans, such as skin, food and everyday objects. The research presented in the poster explores the impact of surface topography modification on bacterial adhesion behavior. In the project Razkin and his collaborators have manipulated the surface characteristics of materials to modify their adhesion dynamics in order to control bacterial colonization in applications such as medical devices.
Zorionak Malen!