Aitor Arrieta, Distinguished Reviewer of the ISSRE 2022 conference


Aitor Arrieta, Distinguished Reviewer of the ISSRE 2022 conference


Aitor Arrieta, Distinguished Reviewer of the ISSRE 2022 conference

The 33rd IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering has named the Mondragon University research professor one of the outstanding reviewers of the conference.



The Committee Chairmen of the 33rd IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering chose Aitor Arrieta to be one of the 8 Distinguished Reviewers of the conference. Aitor Arrieta participated on the Program Committee of the hybrid conference, which was held simultaneously in the state of North Carolina (USA) and online from October 31 and November 3. The members of the Program Committee are charged with reviewing the papers submitted by the community and choosing the ones to be presented at the conference. To arrive at this judgement, the quality of the submitted works was taken into account, as was whether they were submitted on time.

A total of 98 researchers participated on the Program Committee and, together with Arrieta, other researchers from New Zealand, the United States, China, Italy and Germany also received special mention for their service on the committee. This world-renowned annual conference in the area of software reliability is a space for the academic world and industry to exchange ideas.

Of the 162 works submitted to the conference, 47 were selected, including a work led by Mondragon University doctoral student Jon Ayerdi. Ayerdi’s work is part of the European Adeptness project and enjoyed the collaboration of researchers like Aitor Arrieta himself, Ernest Pobee and Maite Arratibel. The submitted work is entitled Multi-Objective Metamorphic Test Case Selection: An Industrial Case Study (PER) and falls within the area of specialization of Mondragon University’s Software Engineering research group.

An award-winning researcher

This is not the first time that researcher Arrieta has been recognized by a scientific jury since he previously won the 2019 SISTEDES award for best research for his doctoral dissertation.

Arrieta studied Computer Engineering and specialized in the Master’s program in Embedded Systems, both at Mondragon University. His doctoral dissertation on Simulation-Based Testing of Highly Configurable Cyber-Physical Systems: Automation, Optimization and Debugging led him toward research and he currently works on a line of research aimed at testing the software of complex systems as a member of Mondragon University’s Software and Systems Engineering research group.