
MTA Bilbao: community that shares and grows

Knowledge Day MTA Bilbao: community that shares and grows 2022·06·16

The objective of the Knowledge Day held on June 13 was to share the action carried out by the Bilbao teams

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Pau Pavón, LEINN entrepreneur from Mondragon Unibertsitatea in Barcelona, awarded in the European competition Wise 20 Under 20

Award Pau Pavón, LEINN entrepreneur from Mondragon Unibertsitatea in Barcelona, awarded in the European competition Wise 20 Under 20 2022·06·16

19-year-old entrepreneur, has been recognized in the EdTech category of this prestigious European competition, now in its fifth edition

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea awarded 61 diplomas to the graduates of LEINN on Friday in Donostia

Diplomas awarded Mondragon Unibertsitatea awarded 61 diplomas to the graduates of LEINN on Friday in Donostia 2022·06·14

The diplomas were awarded to the graduates of the 20-21 course of the LEINN degree (Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation) of the Bilbao, Irun and Oñati campuses

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First year students of the Degree in Business Data Analytics (BDatA) visited EITB

BDATA-visited Eitb First year students of the Degree in Business Data Analytics (BDatA) visited EITB 2022·06·10

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BBFest: let's get to know each other

BBFest BBFest: let's get to know each other 2022·06·10

The first edition will take place on the 16th of June in the Auditorium and the Dock, creating and enjoying different activities together.

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Bilbao hosts the first conference to analyze the importance of well-being in higher education, with the presence of universities such as Stanford and Virginia

Conference Bilbao hosts the first conference to analyze the importance of well-being in higher education, with the presence of universities such as Stanford and Virginia 2022·06·03

It is organized by Mondragon Team Academy, the Entrepreneurship and Innovation unit of the Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea

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LEINN Life after LEINN - just the beginning of our journey 2022·05·31

These are exciting weeks for many LEINN (Entrepreneurial Leadership & Innovation degree) teams from Mondragon Team Academy

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Agreement MTA The Faculty of Business, through its entrepreneurship unit Mondragon Team Academy, signs an agreement with the University of Seoul 2022·05·27

The aim of this agreement is to collaborate in training in entrepreneurship, as well as in supporting the creation of new companies

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The Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea and the Chamber of Commerce of Gipuzkoa close the XII edition of the Executive MBA

Certificates awarded The Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea and the Chamber of Commerce of Gipuzkoa close the XII edition of the Executive MBA 2022·05·27

Yesterday afternoon 16 diplomas were awarded to the new graduates who have passed the course

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Bilbao City Council inaugurate a sculpture of Don Jose María Arizmendiarrieta on the University's 25th anniversary

Inauguration Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Bilbao City Council inaugurate a sculpture of Don Jose María Arizmendiarrieta on the University's 25th anniversary 2022·05·25

The sculpture represents a very characteristic image of Father Arizmendiarreta on a bicycle, which was his way of travelling in Mondragón in the likeness of working people

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea presents the diplomas of its LEINN degree and Master to 150 graduates in Bilbao

Awarding of diplomas Mondragon Unibertsitatea presents the diplomas of its LEINN degree and Master to 150 graduates in Bilbao 2022·05·24

The ceremony for the awarding of diplomas for this official degree in Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, a pioneer in Spain, was held on Friday, May 20 at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea and TeamLabs analyze in Barcelona, together with companies, the challenges in the search for talent and people management

Round Table Mondragon Unibertsitatea and TeamLabs analyze in Barcelona, together with companies, the challenges in the search for talent and people management 2022·05·20

Talent for talent: new times, new skills" was the name of the round table

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea holds a conference on the future of work in the fields of management and data analytics

Conference Mondragon Unibertsitatea holds a conference on the future of work in the fields of management and data analytics 2022·05·17

The aim has been to set up a collaborative network to help in the strategic planning of the talent of the companies in the territory, in the fields of management and data analytics

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea awarded the diplomas of the degree in Business Administration and Management (myGADE) and master's degrees to 177 graduates

Awarded the diplomas Mondragon Unibertsitatea awarded the diplomas of the degree in Business Administration and Management (myGADE) and master's degrees to 177 graduates 2022·05·17

The ceremony was held on May 13 at 18:00 in the Kursaal

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The technology company Sngular has recently raised its stake in Teamlabs to 50% to become the only partner along with the Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea

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Since the creation of the LEINN degree, we have developed several projects related to youth entrepreneurship in the Social Economy

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Registrations are open for the fourth edition of the Platform Cooperatives NOW! course, which will run from April 27 to July 11

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Etorkizuna Sortzen is the experimental guidance program launched this year after a prototype program last year

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MTA-LEINN Wellbeing in Mondragon Team Academy and LEINN 2022·03·29

Incorporating Wellbeing into the Mondragon Team Academy Falkon Model (pedagogical framework) has been a team and community process that started 4 years ago

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LEINN Leadership week: Reflect and act in order to become 2022·03·29

First and second grade teams from the Bilbao laboratory have worked on leadership by listening and understanding the reality around them

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Hackaton-Malaga The first hackathon of young entrepreneurship "Atrévete" arrives in Malaga with the support of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, TeamLabs and Sngular 2022·03·28

With the support of the City Council of Malaga and Promálaga, it will be held on March 31, the online presentation, and April 1, in person

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BME and BBF Fintech launch the second edition of Hack&Disrupt! and consolidate Bilbao as a fintech innovation center

Challenge on Sustainable Finance BME and BBF Fintech launch the second edition of Hack&Disrupt! and consolidate Bilbao as a fintech innovation center 2022·03·22

The hackathon, which will solve challenges on sustainable finance on April 1st and 2nd in Bilbao, will distribute 5,000 euros in prizes

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Two days of lectures and inspiration for entrepreneurs, in the II. EKIN Entrepreneurship Conference

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Executives from 10 cities in Spain and Latin America analyze the impact of learning and development trends in their organizations

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