Fluid Mechanics


The main objective of the Fluid Mechanics group’s work is to acquire and generate a knowledge base to develop continuous advances in the research areas of the group, fostering, at the university level, university education and technology transfer towards innovation and quality in R&D. Specifically, five strategic sectors of action have been identified for the Fluid Mechanics group, i.e. the health, energy, microgravity, automotive, and vertical transport sectors. Through close collaboration with the different Technology Centres, Universities and Platforms, especially with the ik4 alliance, CIC microGUNE and the Ikerbasque Foundation, the possibility of applying all the knowledge generated by the Fluid Mechanics group in the sectors mentioned, is expected in the medium and long term, as is currently the case with the other two sectors (household appliances and machine tools). To this end, the Fluid Mechanics group will deepen the study of microfluidics, nanofluidics, complex fluids (MR fluids, liquids fluidised at high pressures, biotechnological fluids, multicomponent mixtures, etc.) and viscoelastic treatments.


Transport Phenomena

In the area of Transport Phenomena, the Fluid Mechanics Research Group at the MONDRAGON UNIVERSITY has an internationally proven experience in various subjects such as liquid mixtures, thermo gravitational theory for liquid mixtures, convection in liquids, analysis and numerical simulation of thermohydrodynamic models for different fluid flow scenarios, and thermohydrodynamic stability. The research group has both theoretically and experimentally studied the transport phenomena with special emphasis on thermal gradient and the determination of their properties in liquid mixtures. The results have been published in many internationally recognized journals and conference proceedings.

Magnetic Fluid Dynamics

In the field of Magnetic Fluid Dynamics, the Fluid Mechanics Research Group has also carried out excellent research work in recent years. Since 2005, the group has identified this area as a strategic research for a technology transfer to the industrial sector. With this respect, the group has focused on the synthesis, characterization and modeling of magnetorheological fluids (FMR) to streamline its application to the industrial environment and thus developed a new generation of intelligent components and mechanisms.


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