
Zumba course have started at Bidasoa

Zumba Zumba course have started at Bidasoa 2017·11·22

They will dance, at least, until Christmas.

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Torneo de mus

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“Afortunado en el juego, desafortunado en el amor”, ¿quién se coronará campeón del torneo?

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CONVIVENCIA Bizilagunak 2017·11·19

Actividad intercultural que reúne familias extranjeras con la gente local para facilitar su integración

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Filipe Bidart, representative of the Etxauzia Association, and Begoña Pedrosa, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Education, signed the collaboration agreement

COLLABORATION Filipe Bidart, representative of the Etxauzia Association, and Begoña Pedrosa, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Education, signed the collaboration agreement 2017·11·18

On Friday, November 17, Filipe Bidarte, representative of the Etxauzia Association, and Begoña Pedrosa, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Education, signed a collaboration agreement between the two organizations. The signing took place on the Eskoriatza campus.

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12 research grants given to Master’s students in the Faculty.

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El "Portal VMV 3D" en modo prueba hasta el 30 de noviembre.

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The couse has been organized for workers of Enpresagintza.

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Climbing course in Donostia

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This course will be offered at the Pio Baroja sports center, which will be held until Christmas.

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Pilates Pilates course in Arrasate 2017·11·10

This course will be held in Arrasate, from November to December.

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TERTULIA Tertulia 2017·11·08

Sesión de tertulia y discusión sobre diversos temas como la drogodependencia o las relaciones interpersonales.

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Con esta VIII edición del certamen, ORONA reafirma su compromiso con la formación y el talento de los estudiantes de ingeniería

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They will play at Oñati and at Irun.

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