The championship was held at the Padel Indoor Goierri and 5 pairs took part. This week the Goierri EPS winter paddle tennis championship has been held 2024·01·25
A total of 5 couples took part and the winners were Jon Vega and Ekhi Irribarria of the Txemas couple.
BOLUNTARIOAK FLL Euskadi-MONDRAGON edizio berria, boluntario bila 2024·01·25
Mondragon Unibertsitateko Iturripeko Campusean eta Iturripeko kiroldegian antolatuko da martxoaren 2ko ekitaldi nagusia
Logo design competition Resolution of the XXIV Euskadi championship logo design competition 2024·01·23
A total of 30 different designs were submitted
Job offering The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences seeks to hire a building maintenance technician 2024·01·22
The deadline to submit CVs is February 2, 2024.
Training for professionals Starting in March, Mondragon University will offer training on Educational Innovation Project Design From the Perspective of Strategic Facilitation 2024·01·22
The course will begin on March 17, 2024, and end on June 9. It will be offered in the hybrid format: online classes + four in-person workshops.
EU4DUAL Ana Zubiaurre and Mónica Gago participated in the meeting that the EU4DUAL Alliance held in Budapest. 2024·01·22
The aim of the meeting was to define different strategies to engage with different stakeholders.
Huhezinema 2024 In addition to the short film competition, the 2024 Huhezinema Basque Short Film Festival will offer workshops, masterclasses, performances and concerts 2024·01·19
On January 24, 25 and 26, the 17th annual festival will be held at the Arkupe Culture Center in Aretxabaleta and nearby.
Expert Course Mondragon University teaches the Expert Course on Entrepreneurship and Audiovisual Innovation for the second time 2024·01·18
The degree, which is offered by the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University, has the support of the Department of Industry and Ecological and Digital Transition of the Government of Navarre, and will be offered in a hybrid format starting in January.
MTA Bilbao From Leinners to LEINNers: The "Community Project Team" leads Bilbo Lab's Knowledge Day 2024·01·17
The year in MTA Bilbo has started with a first meeting led by the community project
Course for professionals Expert diploma in Color Management in collaboration with ESCAC, Higher School of Cinema and Audiovisuals of Catalonia 2024·01·17
The course will begin on March 5, 2024, will be free of charge and is aimed at professionals working in the audiovisual sector, people interested in specializing in color management, and students in Audiovisual Communication.
INICIATIVA Nos unimos a la iniciativa Emakumeak Zientzian 2024·01·17
Treinta y dos entidades vascas organizan conjuntamente un amplio programa en la 8.ª edición de Emakumeak Zientzian en Gipuzkoa, Bizkaia y Araba.
December Strava challenge winners December challenge winners 2024·01·15
We already have the winners of the December draw
VISIT Students of the Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering visited AMPO’s facilities 2024·01·15
The students on the master's degree, specifically those studying Materials and Processes specialisation, were able to see first-hand the casting process of the valves manufactured by the Basque company AMPO.
The championship was held over two days in the Musakola sports centre. This week the Arrasate EPS winter padel championship was held. 2024·01·11
A total of 11 pairs took part and the winners were the pairs Guridi-Rege and Aperri.
CONTEST The proyect carried out by Biomedical students has been finalist in the Logicalis Innovation Challenge Contest 2024·01·11
The development of an early detection tool for acute lymphoblastic leukemia has been the project presented by Mondragon Unibertsitatea students.
LEINN Five Entrepreneurial Leaders From Mondragon Unibertsitatea's Degree In Entrepreneurial And Innovative Leadership (LEINN) On The Forbes 2024 List Of Agents Of Change 2024·01·10
Five leinners from the Oñati and Barcelona laboratories stand out in the prestigious FORBES list of agents of change 2024
Conference on co-teaching Conference to share co-teaching experiences on January 26 on the Eskoriatza campus 2024·01·10
Researchers from the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University, professor Ana Hernández from Madrid, and representatives from four schools in the Basque Country will participate in the conference.
Surfing course Introductory surfing course in Zarautz with erasmus students 2023·12·27
Surf course with the Moor Surf School
International Award Mondragon Unibertsitatea receives the QIA international award for its program "Technologies for a world in transition" of the LEINN Degree 2023·12·21
Euskalit has presented the award which is certified by Innobasque, Unibasq and Ihobe, and recognizes this program, which is taught in the third year of the university degree LEINN (Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation), as an example of educational innovation worldwide
Christmas Vacation From December 22 to January 8, 2024, the faculty of humanities and education sciences will be closed for the Christmas holidays 2023·12·21
From December 22, 2023, to January 8, 2024, the Faculty will be closed for Christmas vacation.
Sport sweatshirt design contest Resolution of the sweatshirt design contest 2023·12·21
14 students submitted a total of 32 different designs
CONFERENCE The 2nd year Industrial Design Engineerings students have received a conference on Industrial Presses by Fagor Arrasate 2023·12·21
Juan Etxeberria, Promotion Director of Fagor Arrasate, gave the talk to the students.
THESIS The student David Abedul Moreno obtained an EXCELLENT CUM LAUDE grade 2023·12·21
CHOCOLATE PARTY Christmas chocolate party 2023·12·20
A Christmas chocolate party has been organised at Biteri
THESIS The student Aitor Gartziandia Alustiza obtained an EXCELLENT CUM LAUDE grade 2023·12·20
New Master’s Degree Program The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University will offer a new Master's Degree in Research for Educational Innovation 2023·12·19
The 2024-25 academic year will see the launch of the new Master’s degree program offered by the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences. This program will train students to become researchers; its completion will provide access to the doctoral program.
BDATA championship Very good atmosphere at the BDATA championship 2023·12·19
The modalities of paddle tennis and indoor soccer were organized.
THESIS The student David Romero Bascones obtained an EXCELLENT CUM LAUDE grade with International Doctorate mention 2023·12·19
PORTAL New Mondragon Unibertsitatea´s Scientific Production Portal 2023·12·19
The Mondragon Unibertsitatea Scientific Production Portal has been published, which includes the scientific production of Mondragon Unibertsitatea´s teaching and research staff, giving visibility and transparency to their activity.
"Eskupilota" couples tournament Last week the HUHEZI "eskupilota" tournament was played 2023·12·18
5 couples have participated in this tournament