What is Dual training?
Shared training project
Dual training is a common training project that is developed jointly in the university centre and in a collaborating entity, which may be a company, a social or trade union organisation, an institution or an administration, under the supervision and training leadership of the university centre, and whose objective is to achieve the appropriate training of students in order to improve their comprehensive training and improve their employability.
To achieve these results, any dual programme should be characterised by:

Learnig Process
Integrates in the academic and professional environment.

Special Co-responsibility
Between the university, the collaborating entity and the students the co-design and co-development of dual training projects.

Adequate Training
Of the student to ensure both his or her professional training and qualifies employability, as well as his or her comprehensive university education.
Characteristics of Dual University education
Dual university training is a learning modality that takes place in official university Barchelor's and Master's degree, as well as in Lifelong Learning degrees. Royal Decree 822/2021 establishes the basic regulatory framework for dual university training in Spain Through the Dual Mention in official university Barchelor's and Master's degree course.
The main differentiating criterion of dual training is the greater responsibility of the external collaborating entity in the training of students. However, other characteristics that differentiate dual training from external academic placements are mentioned below:
- There is an alternation of training periods in the collaborating entity.
- There is greater integration of the training period at the collaborating entity in the training curriculum.
- There is closer coordination between the university and the collaborating entity.
- There is a more integrated tutoring of the academic part and of the collaborating entity.
- There is an integration of the Bachelor's or Master's final project (TFG/TFM)
What does dual training provide?
To the student
"What it brings you the most is on a personal level, it takes you out of your comfort zone. You have more responsability"
To the company
"It improves the professional qualification of young people, but we need more students..."