From home

Collaborations and adaptations during the Coronavirus era

In these times in which the Coronavirus has confined us to our homes, in Mondragon University we have had to adapt to the situation in order to continue with our activity. At the same time, this situation is forcing us to reinvent ourselves.

On the other hand, this crisis that we are experiencing is bringing out the best in all of us and is leading us to collaborate and cooperate with both society and institutions.

Below you can see what we are doing.

€20,900 donation to the Food Bank of Gipuzkoa and Mundukide

DONATIONS €20,900 donation to the Food Bank of Gipuzkoa and Mundukide 2020·07·15

The Student and Worker Councils of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa have donated the budget for social activities that they have not carried out due to COVID-19

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Nuevos cursos de Business Intelligence con Power BI

CURSOS Nuevos cursos de Business Intelligence con Power BI 2020·07·15

En septiembre comenzará el curso presencial en Bilbao y en octubre comenzará en modalidad online

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The catalogue with all the courses aimed at professionals and taught by the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon in the academic year 2020-2021 is now available

COURSES FOR PROFESSIONALS The catalogue with all the courses aimed at professionals and taught by the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon in the academic year 2020-2021 is now available 2020·07·15

More than 2,500 professionals are trained annually in the courses technological Master’s degrees that are taught in various mode (online, blended, face-to-face) and in different locations (Arrasate, Bilbo, Hernani, Goierri, etc.)

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The ElkarMaker projects is a finalist of the first edition of the Steam Euskadi awards

AWARD The ElkarMaker projects is a finalist of the first edition of the Steam Euskadi awards 2020·07·08

The initiative aims to promote STEAM topics – science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics –among youth and has been jointly developed by the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon and Ikastolen Elkartea

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The end-of-course and end-of-master´s projects developed in the Ingeteam classroom are presented in a multi-conference

CONFERENCE The end-of-course and end-of-master´s projects developed in the Ingeteam classroom are presented in a multi-conference 2020·07·08

On 1 July, a virtual meeting was held in which the students who have developed projects in collaboration with the company Ingeteam shared with the workers of the company the progress made during the course

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Resolution of the winning projects of Enpresa Sortuz, an initiative that promotes entrepreneurship in the school of engineering

ENTREPRENEURSHIP Resolution of the winning projects of Enpresa Sortuz, an initiative that promotes entrepreneurship in the school of engineering 2020·07·03

The jury evaluated a dozen projects aimed at possible business ideas, all proposals being submitted by current students and graduates

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Formación sobre cooperativas digitales a nivel mundial

Formación Formación sobre cooperativas digitales a nivel mundial 2020·06·16

Acuerdo entre Mondragon Unibertsitatea, The New School de New York y la Corporación MONDRAGON para la formación y creación de cooperativas digitales a nivel mundial

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea to gather on 1-5 June over 150 experts from 19 countries at the 5th CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity, this time in e-conference format

CONFERENCE Mondragon Unibertsitatea to gather on 1-5 June over 150 experts from 19 countries at the 5th CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity, this time in e-conference format 2020·06·01

The virtual platform will be hosting about a hundred scientific works related to advanced manufacturing – a strategic area for Mondragon Unibertsitatea and its collaborating companies

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Ingeteam y el Hospital de Cruces trabajan conjuntamente en el desarrollo y diseño de un respirador marca Euskadi

COLABORACIÓN Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Ingeteam y el Hospital de Cruces trabajan conjuntamente en el desarrollo y diseño de un respirador marca Euskadi 2020·05·25

El grupo de trabajo tiene previsto construir un primer prototipo antes de verano para poder comenzar con los experimentos clínicos en septiembre

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DBZ publishes the ELKARDESIGN handbook for embedding strategic design in organizations

HANDBOOK DBZ publishes the ELKARDESIGN handbook for embedding strategic design in organizations 2020·05·15

It is a guide with the principles, a model and cases of success for embedding Strategic Design addressed to organizations from Gipuzkoa

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La Escuela Politécnica Superior ofrece cursos online para profesionales 100% subvencionados

CURSOS ONLINE La Escuela Politécnica Superior ofrece cursos online para profesionales 100% subvencionados 2020·05·14

Formarse en nuevas temáticas o reforzar conocimientos ya olvidados supone una alternativa útil para evitar el parón de la actividad de los y las profesionales

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The Mondragon University Business School, one of the promoters of a manifesto

Manifesto The Mondragon University Business School, one of the promoters of a manifesto "For a New Culture of Learning" 2020·05·06

The manifesto encourages organizations and individuals to reflect on what is currently happening and what is to come, by capitalizing on collective intelligence and individual and collective learning

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea, by the hand of Mondragon Team Academy, participates in a Paneuropea Hackaton to develop innovative solutions for the coronavirus

Innovative Solutions COVID19 Mondragon Unibertsitatea, by the hand of Mondragon Team Academy, participates in a Paneuropea Hackaton to develop innovative solutions for the coronavirus 2020·04·26

Mondragon Team Academy has participated as a university partner, in addition its coaches have acted as coordinators and mentors, and members of the entire MTA community of the different laboratories have participated as ‘problem solvers’

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“Enpresa sortuz” a new initiative of the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon to promote entrepreneurship among students

UNDERTAKING “Enpresa sortuz” a new initiative of the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon to promote entrepreneurship among students 2020·04·23

The deadline for submitting proposals is on 8 May

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Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa adapta su quincena NiZuGu MUgituz al formato online

NiZuGu MUgituz Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa adapta su quincena NiZuGu MUgituz al formato online 2020·04·20

La quincena lleva como lema ¡Prepárate para el mundo laboral! y tiene como objetivo mostrar al alumnado los distintos itinerarios que pueden seguir sus carreras profesionales, así como recomendaciones y sugerencias para introducirse en el mercado laboral de forma exitosa

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Coronavirus challenge

Coronavirus Coronavirus challenge 2020·04·07

Send us your suggestions or questions

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Mondragon Team Academy (LEINN) together with MONDRAGON and other companies, Foundations and NGOs united to mobilize young people to create solutions for the coronavirus

Covid-19 Mondragon Team Academy (LEINN) together with MONDRAGON and other companies, Foundations and NGOs united to mobilize young people to create solutions for the coronavirus 2020·04·07

Creating for Humanity is a massive call to action that invites social innovators to present ideas, solutions or start-ups that respond to the needs created by the health crisis

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KoLaborategia propone un decálogo para afrontar la enseñanza online en época de confinamiento

KoLaborategia KoLaborategia propone un decálogo para afrontar la enseñanza online en época de confinamiento 2020·03·30

El equipo de KoLaborategia, el Laboratorio en Educación y Comunicación para la Sociedad Digital, ha presentado un decálogo que pretende ser una guía para todas y todos los docentes que están trabajando estos días online.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea joins coronavirus volunteer initiative and manufactures 3D technology parts for healthcare staff

SANITARY EQUIPMENT Mondragon Unibertsitatea joins coronavirus volunteer initiative and manufactures 3D technology parts for healthcare staff 2020·03·26

Fifteen workers are currently collaborating as volunteers to make 700 visors every week, and the university works to increase its production capacity

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Huhezinema, el Festival de Cortometrajes Vascos, ofrecerá su programación online los próximos días 25, 26 y 27 de marzo

Huhezinema 2020 online Huhezinema, el Festival de Cortometrajes Vascos, ofrecerá su programación online los próximos días 25, 26 y 27 de marzo 2020·03·23

El festival Huhezinema 2020 online llega lleno de sorpresas: proyecciones, charlas, sorteos de suscripciones para la plataforma Filmin y, una vez finalizado el festival, un canal propio en dicha plataforma.

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