The Physics Laboratory, an open space for curiosity and creativity

Official Degree

Graduated in Engineering Physics Applied to Industry


240 ECTS

4 years


Bilbao AS Fabrik (Zorrozaurre)

Class size

40 places


Spanish, English



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The Physics Laboratory, an open space for curiosity and creativity


The Physics Laboratory, an open space for curiosity and creativity


In his “Autobiographical Notes”, Albert Einstein recalled that as a student he “worked most of the time in the Physics Laboratory, fascinated by the direct contact with experience”. We have drawn inspiration from his example and provided our students of Engineering Physics Applied to Industry with a free-access Physics Laboratory where they can carry out more than 100 Physics experiments during their degree course, covering all the main branches of this subject. Each new experiment is an opportunity to explore Physics at their own pace, really getting the most out of the learning process.

First-hand experience of each physical phenomenon is essential to learning about Physics and has numerous benefits:

  1. Experimental validation. Physics is based on observation and experimentation, and practice allows the theories and laws of physics to be validated by gathering empirical data. This helps confirm that the theoretical predictions are applicable in real life, building trust in Physics as a scientific discipline.
  2. Understanding abstract concepts. Physics often involves dealing with abstract concepts that can be difficult to grasp through theory alone. Practical work provides a specific way of experiencing and visualising these concepts, aiding their understanding.
  3. Developing technical skills. Physics experiments require technical skills such as handling sophisticated measurement instruments and collecting and analysing data. These skills are valuable in many fields of science and technology and can be transferable to research in other domains.
  4. Encouraging critical thinking. Physics practicals encourage critical thinking as they enable the students to question, analyse and evaluate the experimental results. This helps them develop analytical skills and the ability to assess the validity of data and scientific theories.
  5. Motivation and enthusiasm. Carrying out practical experiments engages the students’ interest and curiosity. The direct experience of seeing how physical phenomena work is motivating and stimulating, and this nurtures their continuous interest in Physics and Science in general.

At present, the Physics Laboratory has over 50 experiments, classified as follows:

  • Mechanics: inclined plane dynamics, two-dimensional impacts, moments of inertia, ballistic pendulum, etc.
  • Waves: speed of sound, coupled sound waves, phenomena of resonance, etc.
  • Chemistry: gas laws, water electrolysis, the hydrogen fuel cell, etc.
  • Electromagnetism: Van de Graaff generator, Lorentz force, determining the earth’s magnetic field, induction in a variable magnetic field, etc.
  • Electrical circuits: laws of transformers, RLC circuits, photovoltaic power, etc.
  • Thermodynamics: vacuum experiments, radiometer, Stirling engine, etc.
  • Quantum physics: spectroscopy, electron deviation in electronic and magnetic fields, etc.

The following new experiments will soon be included:

  • Quantum physics: Stefan-Boltzmann law, photoelectric effect, Millikan’s apparatus, the Franck Hertz experiment, electron diffraction, etc.
  • Fluid Physics: viscosimeter, pressure drops, series & parallel pumps, etc.
  • Thermodynamics: heat pump, specific heat measurement, etc.
  • Astrophysics: several new telescopes, astrophotography and spectography accessories.

And at a later stage we will continue to include more experiments in Quantum Physics, Materials, Optics, Machine vision, Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics.

All these experiments will give the students the chance to replicate historical experiments that gave rise to important discoveries and advances in Physics and became Nobel Prize winners, such as the vacuum tube (J. J. Thompson, 1906), radioactivity (M.S. Sklodowska-Curie, 1903, 1911), measurement of the speed of light (A. A. Michelson, 1907), the photoelectric effect (A. Einstein, 1921), R. A. Millikan’s experiment (1923), J. Franck and G.L. Hertz’s experiment (1925), electron diffraction (L. de Broglie, 1929), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (I. Rabi, 1944) and more.

This laboratory is the proof of our enthusiasm and commitment to offering our students high-quality training based on practical experience and experimentation. The group of degree teachers would like to invite you to make the most of this unique opportunity to enjoy and learn about Physics. We’re waiting for you at the Physics Lab!