Bachelor Master's Degree offer 2024-2025
Bachelor's Degrees open days
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Mondragon Unibertsitatea in the top ten of the best performing universities in the fields of Knowledge Transfer and Teaching and Learning

Ranking Mondragon Unibertsitatea in the top ten of the best performing universities in the fields of Knowledge Transfer and Teaching and Learning 2024·05·17

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Bluepoint Project to boost the blue circular economy of marine plastics

Project Bluepoint Project to boost the blue circular economy of marine plastics 2024·05·17

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Danobatgroup y la Escuela Politécnica Superior de Mondragon dan un nuevo impulso al desarrollo profesional en fabricación avanzada

ACUERDO Danobatgroup y la Escuela Politécnica Superior de Mondragon dan un nuevo impulso al desarrollo profesional en fabricación avanzada 2024·05·16

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Visita del Prof. Qiusheng Liu del Instituto de Mecánica de la Academia China de Ciencias a La Escuela Politécnica Superior de Mondragon Unibertsitatea

VISITA Visita del Prof. Qiusheng Liu del Instituto de Mecánica de la Academia China de Ciencias a La Escuela Politécnica Superior de Mondragon Unibertsitatea 2024·05·16

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Schedule - Events

8 May

Jornada: Sasi guztien artetik

Eskoriatza | Campus de Eskoriatza. Sala: D.0.3

22 May

Informative Sessions - Digital Marketing

Online | Online

Learning from Reality


A university that has constructed its own educational model, exportable around the world.


A university linked to companies, to reality, where “learning by doing” is not a slogan, it is the DNA.


People cooperate, co-create, relate with each other and are educated in an atmosphere of trust, are the main characters in our University.


A culture of entrepreneurial, hard-working people committed to a project for society.

"Through project-work methodology we have carried out work that seemed impossible."
"Already since the first year I have been able to combine university life with my company experience."
"On completing our studies we realise how many things we are capable of doing."
"I would like to get to know Nordic gastronomy in a top-class restaurant in Sweden."