Close relationship with business

The balanced relationship between academic education and in-company training is one of our mainstays.

Practical university

At Mondragon University we live the company from the inside with a training proposal that combines training with personal and professional development.

The fact that we are members of the MONDRAGON Corporation, which includes more than 257 companies, allows students to come into contact with the needs of the working world during their university training period.

This direct link with the companies ensures the high percentages of placement of our graduates. 95% of employment in the case of Bachelor`s Degrees and 95% in the case of Master`s Degrees.

Manos de estudiante de Mondragon Unibertsitatea manipulando maquinaria

  • Alternation of study - work. More than 3,500 students in the last 5 years have made their studies compatible with work in companies and institutions.
  • Internships in companies, educational centers and institutions.
  • Final projects (about 1100 projects per year).