
Mondragon University is included with other five universities of the state in a raking that has done U-Multirank

Ranking Mondragon University is included with other five universities of the state in a raking that has done U-Multirank 2019·06·05

Mondragon University keeps the first position in transference in the State and improves 4 places in Europe changing from the 37th to the 33rd.

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“Modelo de enseñanza Dual en el Máster de Educación Secundaria”, tema del encuentro de formación que se celebrará el próximo 12 de junio en el campus de Aretxabaleta

Jornada “Modelo de enseñanza Dual en el Máster de Educación Secundaria”, tema del encuentro de formación que se celebrará el próximo 12 de junio en el campus de Aretxabaleta 2019·06·04

El encuentro tendrá lugar en el campus de Aretxabaleta y tomará parte, entre otros, los expertos catalanes Jordi Coiduras y Meritxell Moreras.

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El manifiesto creado por el laboratorio KoLaborategia de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, aporta el punto de vista del laboratorio a cerca de la digitalización.

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The Faculty of Engineering of Mondragon Unibertsitatea is organising on 6 June the conference “Transform your organisation towards advanced services”.

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Get around on the bikes of the sports service

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6 university teams and 3 Arrasate rugby teams participated.

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Mari Garcia, Maider Donoso y Aitzol Zubizarreta, alumnos de Comunicación Audiovisual, han ganado el premio al mejor spot de Mondragon Unibertsitatea en el concurso Euspot

EUSPOT Mari Garcia, Maider Donoso y Aitzol Zubizarreta, alumnos de Comunicación Audiovisual, han ganado el premio al mejor spot de Mondragon Unibertsitatea en el concurso Euspot 2019·05·31

El premio principal lo han ganado Jabi Jubera e Irati Agirreazkuenaga. Este año se han presentado 98 spots al concurso de spot en euskera Euspot.

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Estibaliz Cosano, Larraitz Uruñuela y Urko Aristi have visited Mondragon University.

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The EUR-ACE international seal is a certificate granted to the Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering of Mondragon Unibertsitatea by ENAEE from 15 April 2019 to 15 April 2023.

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On May 24th, Friday, at 6:00 p.m., in the auditorium of the Oñati campus of the Faculty of Business, we celebrated the ceremony of myGADE and postgraduate diplomas.

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Mondragon University is the sixth university of the state in efficiency

Ranking Mondragon University is the sixth university of the state in efficiency 2019·05·24

Talking about STEM, Mondragon University presents a high performance in Industrial Engineering and Mechanical Engineering

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Project Press 4.0 by the students of the Technical Degree in Industrial Robotics and Automation is one of the 4 finalists in 11th Siemens Prototype contest

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Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa has participated in 5 editions of this Siemens contest in Spain, having been among the finalists in 3 of them, which demonstrates the high quality of the training given.

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The paper that analyses the changes that occur in electroencephalograms between young and old patients has been published in a Q2 journal.

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Students of the Master's Degree in Biomedical Technologies perform their second Learning Journey with Barcelona as their destination

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During the visits to UVic-UCC, LEITAT and Vall D’Hebron Hospital, they were able to learn about the latest developments in the sector.

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The contest organised by Cluster de Innovación en Envase y Embalaje seeks solutions to the real problems posed by companies.

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The European project DiManD offers 14 PhD positions in Industry 4.0

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Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa leads the European project that offers 3-year Early-Stage Researcher contracts in eight European organizations.

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Markel Azkue presented the study carried out at the Ikerlan research centre to the contest promoted by Mondragon Corporation and Mondragon Unibertsitatea, winning the award for best project.

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Title of the thesis: Pultrusión basada en el curado UV fuera del molde: Desarrollo de Componentes dirigidos a la industria de la Automoción. Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE qualification.

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Markel Azkue Etxeandia, estudiante de la Escuela Politécnica Superior ha sido galardonado con el primer premio por un trabajo realizado para Ikerlan y Nagore Etxebarria Altuna, también de la Escuela Politécnica Superior, ha recibido el segundo premio por el proyecto realizado para FAGOR Arrasate.

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