
Hasta el 7 de enero del 2020, la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación permanecerá cerrada por vacaciones de Navidad

navidades Hasta el 7 de enero del 2020, la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación permanecerá cerrada por vacaciones de Navidad 2019·12·19

Del 23 de diciembre de 2019 al 7 de enero de 2020 la Facultad permanecerá cerrada por vacaciones de Navidad.

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Thesis defense of Christian Alejandro Rivera Torres

THESIS Thesis defense of Christian Alejandro Rivera Torres 2019·12·19

Title of the thesis: “A Knowledge-Based Engineering System Framework for the Development of Electric Machines”. Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE qualification.

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Thesis defense of Xabier Badiola Aiestaran

THESIS Thesis defense of Xabier Badiola Aiestaran 2019·12·19

Title of the thesis: “Slender Workpiece Cutting Process Stability Prediction and Monitoring based on Internal Signals”. Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE qualification and the CUM LAUDE and DOCTOR INTERNACIONAL mentions.

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Omelet contest

CONTEST Omelet contest 2019·12·18

2019 Omelet contest was celebrated

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International experts and social agents debate in Bilbao about the relationship between university and city

Univercity International experts and social agents debate in Bilbao about the relationship between university and city 2019·12·18

Under the motto “Educating with and for the city,” national and international experts, municipal representatives and social agents debate about the possibilities for collaboration among different agents and the academic world.

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Gonzalo Abad has published the book Mathematical Model Equations in Stationary Reference Frame of Current Controls for Grid-Connected Converters

PUBLICATION Gonzalo Abad has published the book Mathematical Model Equations in Stationary Reference Frame of Current Controls for Grid-Connected Converters 2019·12·18

This is the third book by the researcher of the group on Drive Applied to traction and Electricity Generation at the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea collaborates in the development of a new lexicon related to project management

TERMINOLOGY Mondragon Unibertsitatea collaborates in the development of a new lexicon related to project management 2019·12·18

The lexicon is available on the website of UZEI, the Basque Terminology and Lexicography Centre, and aims to define and promote the terminology of project management in Basque

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DRIVES project identifies the trends in the transformation of the automotive industry over the next 30 years

TRANSITION DRIVES project identifies the trends in the transformation of the automotive industry over the next 30 years 2019·12·17

Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa is a member of the DRIVES consortium, which aims to identify human capital solutions for SMEs in the automotive supply chain

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Biteri is already decorated for Christmas

CHRISTMAS Biteri is already decorated for Christmas 2019·12·16

Los biteritarras ya han ternimado de poner los adornos de Navidad

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UniverCiudad: cómo educar para y con la ciudad, a estudio en Bilbao el 18 y 19 de diciembre

univerciudad UniverCiudad: cómo educar para y con la ciudad, a estudio en Bilbao el 18 y 19 de diciembre 2019·12·16

Mondragon Unibertsitatea reunirá a educadores, sociólogos y antropólogos internacionales con agentes locales.

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Orkli staff collects the Yellow Belt module diploma from the Lean Six Sigma specialisation course

DELIVERY OF DIPLOMAS Orkli staff collects the Yellow Belt module diploma from the Lean Six Sigma specialisation course 2019·12·15

The Yellow Belt module is the first of three certifications obtained by Orkli workers in the course given by Mondragon Unibertsitatea in their organisation

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea lanza a partir de enero un nuevo Curso Experto en Capital Riesgo y Startups en Bilbao

Nuevo curso experto Mondragon Unibertsitatea lanza a partir de enero un nuevo Curso Experto en Capital Riesgo y Startups en Bilbao 2019·12·12

El Curso Experto en Capital Riesgo permitirá conocer las necesidades económico - financieras de cada una de las etapas de una start-up y las diferentes vías de financiación de la mano de los mejores agentes de capital riesgo.

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We already have the soccer champions in Enpresagintza

Soccer championship We already have the soccer champions in Enpresagintza 2019·12·11

Bilbo, Irun y Oñati played the final of soccer in Oñati

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Yoga course for employees have started in the Business Faculty

Yoga course Enpresagintza Yoga course for employees have started in the Business Faculty 2019·12·11

In the Bidasoa campus employees have the opportunity to be active with yoga.

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Basque dances course underway in Arrasate

Basque Dances Basque dances course underway in Arrasate 2019·12·11

Last month they started with the sessions of this course.

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Conference on battery-based storage systems

CONFERENCE Conference on battery-based storage systems 2019·12·11

The conference organised by Mondragon Unibertsitatea will take place on 16 January at the Orona Ideo campus and will analyse some of the vital aspects of battery-based storage systems

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Entrepreneurship aimed at people management among second-year students of vocational training

PROMOTING COMPETENCES Entrepreneurship aimed at people management among second-year students of vocational training 2019·12·11

The initiative is part of the project carried out by Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, aimed at promoting skills or entering the labour market

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Fostering creativity among second-year students of vocational training

FOSTERING CREATIVITY Fostering creativity among second-year students of vocational training 2019·12·11

Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa launches an initiative to promote entrepreneurial culture among students

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New infrastructure to promote entrepreneurship in Vocational Training

PROMOTING ENTREPRENEURSHIP New infrastructure to promote entrepreneurship in Vocational Training 2019·12·11

The new space located in the Garaia de Arrasate building is available to all students and former students of vocational training at Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa

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Students of the Degree in Energy visit two power plants

VISIT Students of the Degree in Energy visit two power plants 2019·12·10

The second-year students of the degree in Energy visited the Aldaba and CH Anoeta hydropower plants

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El sábado, 14 de septiembre, jornada de puertas abiertas en los grados de Comunicación Audiovisual, Educación Infantil y Educación Primaria

puertas abiertas El sábado, 14 de septiembre, jornada de puertas abiertas en los grados de Comunicación Audiovisual, Educación Infantil y Educación Primaria 2019·12·09

Las jornadas de puertas abiertas de Educación se realizarán en el campus de Eskoriatza y las de Comunicación, en el de Aretxabaleta.

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A deeper approach to the Circular Economy

CONFERENCE A deeper approach to the Circular Economy 2019·12·09

On 11 December, the conference “How to create a business model based on the circular economy” took place at the Europa Palace in Vitoria-Gasteiz, led by the research staff from the Faculty of Engineering of Mondragon Unibertsitatea

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Zumba course have started at Bidasoa

Zumba Zumba course have started at Bidasoa 2019·12·03

They will dance, at least, until Christmas.

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Abierto la incripción en la nueva mención Audición y Lenguaje

Audición y Lenguaje Abierto la incripción en la nueva mención Audición y Lenguaje 2019·12·03

El curso comenzará el 24 de enero de 2020.

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Diseinu Berrikuntza Zentroa launches the HCD Facility Tool project

PROYECT Diseinu Berrikuntza Zentroa launches the HCD Facility Tool project 2019·12·03

The HCD FACILITY TOOL project will facilitate the learning of Human-Centred Design (HCD) methodologies for Gipuzkoa-based companies to optimise and innovate their product/service launch processes on the market

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Sign-up period open for registering as an FLL-Mondragon volunteer, under the organisation of Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Innobasque

REGISTRATION Sign-up period open for registering as an FLL-Mondragon volunteer, under the organisation of Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Innobasque 2019·12·03

The tournament to be held on 8 February in Mondragon will be official and will qualify the winning team for the national tournament

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The European TransferINN project brings innovation to small and medium-sized businesses and entrepreneurs in the cross-border area

INNOVATION The European TransferINN project brings innovation to small and medium-sized businesses and entrepreneurs in the cross-border area 2019·12·03

The Faculty of Engineering of Mondragon Unibertsitatea has participated in the project from its launch (September 2016) to its completion (November 2019)

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Climbing course have started in Aretxabaleta

Climbing Climbing course have started in Aretxabaleta 2019·12·03

5 girls have been encouraged to participate in this course

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Talk about the enjoyment and risks of drugs

TALK Talk about the enjoyment and risks of drugs 2019·12·02

Yesterday three members of the association AiLaket!! came to talk about drugs

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El 12 de diciembre, sesión informativa sobre el máster de Habilitación Docente en el campus de Eskoriatza

Máster Habilitación Docente El 12 de diciembre, sesión informativa sobre el máster de Habilitación Docente en el campus de Eskoriatza 2019·12·02

En el acto, que comenzará a las 18:00 horas, se explicarán las características del máster de Habilitación Docente, entre ellas las dos modalidades en las que se ofrece: dual-presencial y online con sesiones presenciales.

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