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News published about the Covid-19 by Mondragon University

More than 80% of Mondragon University undergraduates and Master’s students have started the academic year with 100% in-person classes, and the remaining 20% will join them beginning on

COVID More than 80% of Mondragon University undergraduates and Master’s students have started the academic year with 100% in-person classes, and the remaining 20% will join them beginning on 2021·09·24

The Department of Education has decided to return to in-person classes in the Basque university system.

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Teaching model for the 2020-2021 academic year

Educational model Teaching model for the 2020-2021 academic year 2020·07·09

Mondragon University reaffirms its commitment to its MENDEBERRI 2025 educational model to tackle the Covid-19 crisis in the 2020-2021 academic year

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Bilbao 2020-2021

Bilbao Bilbao 2020-2021 2020·07·03

The degrees that will be offered in Bilbao during the academic year 2020-2021 will be located in the Ensanche Building and Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria between September and Christmas.

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Student financing plan extended to 2 million euros

Financing program Student financing plan extended to 2 million euros 2020·05·13

Mondragon University increases its financing plan for students affected by the COVID-19 crisis to 2 million euros for the 2020-2021 academic year.

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Documento marco de actuaciones ante la situación generada por el Covid-19

Documento marco Documento marco de actuaciones ante la situación generada por el Covid-19 2020·04·27

El documento marco definido por Mondragon Unibertsitatea recoge las directrices para su desarollo en las titulaciones de grado y másteres univesitarios.

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New enrollment and registration dates for Bachelor's Degrees

Enrollment and registration days New enrollment and registration dates for Bachelor's Degrees 2020·04·27

Given the situation caused by the Covid-19, Mondragon University has modified the dates for enrolment and registration for the 2020-2021 academic year.

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New press release from Mondragon University regarding the effects of the 2019-2020 academic year on the exceptional situation of the coronavirus pandemic.

Coronavirus New press release from Mondragon University regarding the effects of the 2019-2020 academic year on the exceptional situation of the coronavirus pandemic. 2020·04·07

Following the agreement adopted by the rectors of the Basque University System and the Minister of Education, Cristina Uriarte, Mondragon University has decided to end the course in online modality

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Communiqué from Mondragon University regarding the effects of the 2019-2020 academic year on the exceptional situation of the coronavirus pandemic

Covid-19 Communiqué from Mondragon University regarding the effects of the 2019-2020 academic year on the exceptional situation of the coronavirus pandemic 2020·04·03

This morning a meeting was held between the rectors of the Basque University System and the Regional Minister of Education, Cristina Uriarte, in which the current situation was analysed and a follow-up meeting was scheduled for next week.

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The new RDL of 29 March regulating recoverable paid leave for employees providing non-essential services does not affect Mondragon University's online academic activity

Covid-19 The new RDL of 29 March regulating recoverable paid leave for employees providing non-essential services does not affect Mondragon University's online academic activity 2020·03·30

The academic activity of the Mondragon University, carried out from their homes by the students and teaching staff of Mondragon University, will not be affected by the new RDL 10/2020 of 29 March. In other words, as in previous weeks, Mondragon University's academic activity will continue to be carried out online.

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Mondragon University takes up the challenge of fighting the spread of the coronavirus and is now offering all its academic activity online

Covid-19 Mondragon University takes up the challenge of fighting the spread of the coronavirus and is now offering all its academic activity online 2020·03·19

The Rector of Mondragon University thanks both the students and staff of the University for their efforts and the collaboration shown in this accelerated adaptation to online learning, making the challenge of combating the spread of the coronavirus our own

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From today Mondragon University will offer its services in telework mode

Covid-19 situation From today Mondragon University will offer its services in telework mode 2020·03·15

Only those workers from the university whose activities require the university facilities will have access to the university.

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