
Discussion session

Culture Discussion session 2018·02·07

The Council of Gipuzkoa have set a discussion session with some students about different ways of getting information.

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Drawing group

Living Drawing group 2018·02·07

Some talented students have decided to unleash their drawing skills

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The students of Mondragon Unibertsitatea have been skiing in Formigal

Ski Formigal The students of Mondragon Unibertsitatea have been skiing in Formigal 2018·02·05

The students of Mondragon Unibertsitatea have enjoyed the skiing outings to Formigal.

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Goya Awards won by alumnus Eneko Sagardoy and Mondragon University professors Aitor Arregi and Andoni de Carlos for the film Handia (Giant)

Goya Awards 2018 Goya Awards won by alumnus Eneko Sagardoy and Mondragon University professors Aitor Arregi and Andoni de Carlos for the film Handia (Giant) 2018·02·05

Mondragon University alumnus in Audiovisual Communication Eneko Sagardoy won a Goya Award for Best Male Actor for his work in the film Handia (Giant). Audiovisual Communication professors Aitor Arregi and Andoni de Carlos, together with Jon Garaño and Joxe Mari Goenaga, won a Goya Award for Best Original Screenplay. Handia (Giant) won a total of 10 awards.

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Jornadas de Colegios Mayores

Encuentro Jornadas de Colegios Mayores 2018·02·01

125 representantes de los Colegios Mayores de España (entre ellos Biteri) celebran el 40 aniversario de sus Jornadas Nacionales junto con el 800 aniversario de la Universidad de Salamanca.

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Arantxa Gonzalez de Heredia ofreció una ponencia sobre diseño inclusivo en el Parlamento Vasco

Diseño inclusivo Arantxa Gonzalez de Heredia ofreció una ponencia sobre diseño inclusivo en el Parlamento Vasco 2018·01·31

Arantxa Gonzalez de Heredia ofreció una ponencia sobre diseño inclusivo en el Parlamento Vasco en el marco de los actos conmemorativos del 20º aniversario de la Ley para la promoción de la Accesibildad.

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The second year of KoopFabrika is underway

SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP The second year of KoopFabrika is underway 2018·01·31

50 people have enrolled in this cooperative social entrepreneurship and social economy support program.

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Farewell event for Erasmus foreign students

ERASMUS Farewell event for Erasmus foreign students 2018·01·30

Last Thursday, January 24, a meeting was held on the Eskoriatza campus to bid farewell to the foreign students who participated in the Erasmus program in the fall.

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La CNMV acredita dos títulos de Mondragon Unibertsitatea para formar asesores financieros

Acreditación La CNMV acredita dos títulos de Mondragon Unibertsitatea para formar asesores financieros 2018·01·29

La acreditación supone que ambos postgrados están adaptados a los criterios de la nueva directiva europea, que regula el conocimiento y competencias que deben tener quienes se dedican a informar y asesorar sobre productos de inversión en entidades financieras.

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Ski trip

Sport Ski trip 2018·01·27

A perfect skiing weekend in Astun.

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Volunteering Volunteering 2018·01·26

Volunteering at the San Juan de Dios psiquiatric centre

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Ping-pong tournament

Tournament Ping-pong tournament 2018·01·26

Students show their playing skills

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GEP championship finals yesterday

GEP finals GEP championship finals yesterday 2018·01·25

Indoor soccer and 3x3 basketball modalities were played.

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Barrena and Murua are the new champions

Eskupelota tournament from the faculty of HUHEZI Barrena and Murua are the new champions 2018·01·24

Eleven matches between five couples were played this morning in Eskoriatza

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Maccabi de Levantar is the champion of 3x3 of basket

Final winter 3x3 basket champsionship Maccabi de Levantar is the champion of 3x3 of basket 2018·01·24

Yesterday was played the final of the winter championship of the Business faculty of basket 3x3

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Social and Economic Management of Solidarity Economics program officially inaugurated

PRESENTATION Social and Economic Management of Solidarity Economics program officially inaugurated 2018·01·24

Aretxabaleta, January 24, 2018. The Aretxabaleta campus today hosted the presentation of the Diploma of Specialization in Social and Economic Management of Solidarity Economics. During this academic year, 16 participants from eight Latin American countries will take part in the program, which is organized by Mondragon University’s Lanki Institute of Cooperative Research and the Alboan Foundation.

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Issue 76 of the education journal ‘Jakingarriak’ has been published

Magazine Issue 76 of the education journal ‘Jakingarriak’ has been published 2018·01·23

The Faculty of Humanities and Education has published Issue 76 of the education journal ‘Jakingarriak.” In this latest issue, the editors review the 40-year history of the Faculty. The journal is available online.

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25th Anniversary: Team Academy Finland

Anniversary 25th Anniversary: Team Academy Finland 2018·01·22

On January 19th and 20th the 25th anniversary of Team Academy Finland was celebrated in Jyväskylä. A team of 13 people from the community of Mondragon Team Academy have participated in the scheduled events.

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Amaia Lersundi will receive a pre-doctoral grant for the 2017-2018 academic year

PRE-DOCTORAL GRANT Amaia Lersundi will receive a pre-doctoral grant for the 2017-2018 academic year 2018·01·19

The Doctoral Committee of the Faculty of Humanities and Education has awarded Amaia Lersundi a grant for the 2017-2018 academic year from the Pre-Doctoral Assistance Program.

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Aston Bila winner in the futsal championship of Arrasate

ARRASATE FUTSAL Aston Bila winner in the futsal championship of Arrasate 2018·01·18

A total of 15 teams have participated in the futsal championship of the Arrasate faculty

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Firefighter school

Training session Firefighter school 2018·01·18

The emergency group had a training session at the firefighter school of Ordizia

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The second course of yoga begins in Arrasate

Yoga Arrasate english The second course of yoga begins in Arrasate 2018·01·17

10 workers from Mondragon Unibertsitatea have registered for this edition of the course.

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Stories that will make you think

Culture Stories that will make you think 2018·01·17

Lur katagorri has visited us at Biteri and she has let us enjoy her Tales of a wandering Cat

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Defensa de la tesis de Imanol Gil

Tesis Defensa de la tesis de Imanol Gil 2018·01·16

Título de tesis: Análisis de los esfuerzos generados en los frenos de embutición y desarrollo de un modelo semi-analítico de predicción de los esfuerzos de enclavamiento. Obtuvo la calificación SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE.

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The move of the Makers

Makers The move of the Makers 2018·01·12

The Makers community is growing up, there is more and more work to do, so we will need more space

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea reúne hoy en Tabakalera a 50 jóvenes de bachiller y FP en un concurso para mostrar su talento empresarial

Jornada Mondragon Unibertsitatea reúne hoy en Tabakalera a 50 jóvenes de bachiller y FP en un concurso para mostrar su talento empresarial 2018·01·12

Se trata de un concurso de ideas empresariales, denominado gazteGOTalent, dirigido a jóvenes de entre 16 y 18 años a quienes les guste el mundo de la empresa. Los participantes deberán generar ideas para enfrentarse a tres retos propuestos por empresas de sectores de moda, cultura y deporte, que pondrán a prueba su talento y su capacidad de convicción

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Basque Culinary Center premia a las mejores startups del sector food

PREMIOS Basque Culinary Center premia a las mejores startups del sector food 2018·01·11

El objetivo de la iniciativa es premiar a startups nacionales que ofrezcan soluciones innovadoras al sector de la alimentación y la gastronomía.

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Psycho Killer

Living Psycho Killer 2018·01·10

We have started a new game so that all students at the housing have the opportunity to take part in it.

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Antonia García Bernal gana la beca de formación para el Basque Culinary Center que concede el Consejo Regulador de la DOP Jumilla

BECAS Antonia García Bernal gana la beca de formación para el Basque Culinary Center que concede el Consejo Regulador de la DOP Jumilla 2018·01·10

El comité optó por el perfil de Antonia García Bernal «dado su impecable curriculum académico y la motivación demostrada en la entrevista personal» y destacó «el elevado nivel de todos los candidatos presentados por los distintos centros formativos e instituciones».

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Asier Uribelarrea ha sido el ganador de la primera acción de participación de KoNet

PARTICIPACIÓN Asier Uribelarrea ha sido el ganador de la primera acción de participación de KoNet 2018·01·09

Ha participado con la palabra "Lanbroa" y ha ganado un disco duro externo WD Elements de 1 TB

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