
El cultivo de la interioridad y el desarrollo pleno, temas de la jornada que se celebrará el día 31 de mayo en el campus de Eskoriatza

JORNADA El cultivo de la interioridad y el desarrollo pleno, temas de la jornada que se celebrará el día 31 de mayo en el campus de Eskoriatza 2019·05·15

En la jornada, que se centrará en el área de la educación, tomarán parte los expertos Xavier Melloni y Berta Meneses.

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The Faculty of Engineering signs an agreement with the Demand Driven Institute, being the first university in Spain to join its affiliate network

AGREEMENT The Faculty of Engineering signs an agreement with the Demand Driven Institute, being the first university in Spain to join its affiliate network 2019·05·15

The Demand Driven Institute published the DDMRP methodology in 2011 and, since then, has been developing and disseminating the operating model they have developed for companies to align and manage the supply chain based on real demand.

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Third-year students of the degree in Eco-technology in Industrial Processes Engineering welcome Doctor Andreas Sterzing as a visiting professor

VISIT Third-year students of the degree in Eco-technology in Industrial Processes Engineering welcome Doctor Andreas Sterzing as a visiting professor 2019·05·15

Dr Sterzing offered a seminar on the technologies for production and forming of materials, focusing on the Industry 4.0.

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Centre for Innovation in Design organises an event where undergraduate and master's students develop solutions to the requests of companies

EVENT Centre for Innovation in Design organises an event where undergraduate and master's students develop solutions to the requests of companies 2019·05·14

The students of the design specialisation presented solutions for the projects of Ereindajan and Gu Haziak Gara.

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Nearly one hundred students participate in the Industrial Design Egg Toss contest

CONTEST Nearly one hundred students participate in the Industrial Design Egg Toss contest 2019·05·13

Organised by the Industrial Design Innovation team, the objective of the contest was to design a contraption could protect an egg being tossed, allowing it to be to be thrown as far away as possible without breaking it.

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International Days

Event International Days 2019·05·13

Mondragon Unibertsitatea will celebrate the second edition of its International Days.

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Faculty of Engineering representatives participate as speakers in the European PBL workshop of the European University of Madrid

WORKSHOP Faculty of Engineering representatives participate as speakers in the European PBL workshop of the European University of Madrid 2019·05·10

The faculty of the Higher Polytechnic School exhibits the Project-Based Learning model of Mondragon Univertsitatea on the Villaviciosa de Odón campus.

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Prof. Christopher Evans has visited the Faculty of Engineering of Mondragon Unibertsitatea

VISIT Prof. Christopher Evans has visited the Faculty of Engineering of Mondragon Unibertsitatea 2019·05·10

The goal of the visit was to study any potential for future cooperation with the Research Group of High Performance Machining in the field of Microprecision Machining, such as the exchange of PhD students and cooperation in eventual projects.

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A conference entitled “From professor to facilitator” will take place on may 15 on the Eskoriatza campus

conference A conference entitled “From professor to facilitator” will take place on may 15 on the Eskoriatza campus 2019·05·08

This year’s Conference on Education and Innovation will examine the role of the “facilitator.” Expert Carlos Magro will be one of the speakers.

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Mondragon Unibersitatea participates in the Spanish University Championship

Athletics and karate Mondragon Unibersitatea participates in the Spanish University Championship 2019·05·08

Championships hed in Castellón and between 3 and 5 May.

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Jornadas informativas sobre el Título Experto “La maestra y el maestro en la innovación de Educación Infantil”

Título experto Jornadas informativas sobre el Título Experto “La maestra y el maestro en la innovación de Educación Infantil” 2019·05·07

Se ofrecerán dos sesiones informativas sobre el curso los próximos días 9 de mayo y 6 de junio.

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Aroa Murciano: “La autoconfrontación da la oportunidad al docente de mejorar en su práctica profesional

entrevista Aroa Murciano: “La autoconfrontación da la oportunidad al docente de mejorar en su práctica profesional 2019·05·07

La autoconfrontación es una herramienta para la mejora del profesorado, y tiene como base el empleo del vídeo.

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Sirats Santa Cruz Elorza is the winner of the last action of KoNet

KoNet Sirats Santa Cruz Elorza is the winner of the last action of KoNet 2019·05·07

The last action of KoNet was about telling where you spend your Easter holidays

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Successful participation of the students of the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering at the Surfboards Innovation Camp contest

CONTEST Successful participation of the students of the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering at the Surfboards Innovation Camp contest 2019·05·06

The contest, held in Donostia, Spain, aims to promote the development and marketing of the surf industry.

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Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa starts collection of charity clothing through Biteri Hall of Residence and Global Shapers

INITIATIVE Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa starts collection of charity clothing through Biteri Hall of Residence and Global Shapers 2019·05·06

The clothes collected will be donated to Koopera, an organisation aiming at the socio-occupational insertion of people in situations of social exclusion through activities of environmental services, reuse and recycling, sustainable consumption, etc.

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Jornada MoodleMoot Euskadi 2019, el 10 de mayo en Hernani

Jornada Jornada MoodleMoot Euskadi 2019, el 10 de mayo en Hernani 2019·05·03

Participará como ponente Antonio Rodríguez de las Heras, catedrático y director del instituo de Cultura y Tecnología de la Universidad Carlos III de madrid.

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Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa organises ESAFORM congress on Transformation of Materials

CONGRESS Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa organises ESAFORM congress on Transformation of Materials 2019·05·02

The congress will be taking place on 8-10 May in Vitoria-Gasteiz and will gather over 250 scientific studies by world experts in the manufacture of materials, with a total of 300 attendees from 34 countries.

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Researcher Aroa Murciano earns the summa cum laude designation on her Doctoral Dissertation

DOCTORAL DISSERTATION Researcher Aroa Murciano earns the summa cum laude designation on her Doctoral Dissertation 2019·05·01

The new PhD holder defended her dissertation on the Eskoriatza campus. The dissertation, entitled “Self-confrontation as a training tool: analysis of the activity of six Primary Education teachers in teaching the socio-scientific debate,” earned an International Mention.

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Gema Climent hablará sobre neuropsicología, realidad virtual, videojuegos y educación en el encuentro sobre la organizado por KoLaborategia el próximo 9 de mayo

KOLABORATEGIA Gema Climent hablará sobre neuropsicología, realidad virtual, videojuegos y educación en el encuentro sobre la organizado por KoLaborategia el próximo 9 de mayo 2019·05·01

La conferencia “Las ventajas de conocerse y saber cómo procesamos” se celebrará en el campus de Eskoriatza a partir de las 18:00 horas.

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Padel tournament of the students of the Business faculty

Padel tournament Padel tournament of the students of the Business faculty 2019·04·29

Students of Bidasoa played padel

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2 students from Mondragon Unibersitatea in the Spanish University Championship

Swimming 2 students from Mondragon Unibersitatea in the Spanish University Championship 2019·04·29

Championship held in Castellón between 22 and 24 April.

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Learning Journey in the Master in Strategic Management of People´s Talent

Learning Journey Learning Journey in the Master in Strategic Management of People´s Talent 2019·04·17

The Master in Strategic Management of People´s Talent (MTalent) has been on a learning journey in Madrid for 3 days.

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Health´s week

Thematic weeks Health´s week 2019·04·17

Several activities have been organized for this purpose.

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Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa takes part in the Europe’s largest project for digitization of industry

EUROPEAN PROJECT Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa takes part in the Europe’s largest project for digitization of industry 2019·04·16

Luleå University of Technology will coordinate Europe's largest project for solutions in automation and digitization for the industry where Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa will participate. Arrowhead Tools has a budget of EUR 91 million and 81 participants, among them some of Europe's largest companies such as Volvo, Bosch and Philips.

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Kiro Grifols representatives offer a presentation to first year students of the Master's Degree in Biomedical Technologies

PRESENTATION Kiro Grifols representatives offer a presentation to first year students of the Master's Degree in Biomedical Technologies 2019·04·15

Kiro Grifols specialises in the design and development of automated systems for bio-sanitary environments.

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La Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación permanecerá cerrada por vacaciones se Semana Santa hasta el 29 de abril

Aviso La Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación permanecerá cerrada por vacaciones se Semana Santa hasta el 29 de abril 2019·04·12

Del 15 al 29 de abril 2019 la Facultad permanecerá cerrada por vacaciones de Semana Santa.

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Company Tumaker offers a presentation to students of the Master's Degree in Industrial Additive Manufacturing

PRESENTATION Company Tumaker offers a presentation to students of the Master's Degree in Industrial Additive Manufacturing 2019·04·11

Aitziber Eizagirre, commercial manager of the company, spoke with the students of the Master’s degree in Industrial Additive Manufacturing about market trends.

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Mondragon University earns the first DUAL accreditation in the Basque Country for a teacher training Master’s Degree Program

DUAL MASTER’S DEGREE Mondragon University earns the first DUAL accreditation in the Basque Country for a teacher training Master’s Degree Program 2019·04·09

The Unibasq accreditation agency granted the first dual accreditation to the University Master’s Degree Program in Teacher Training for the Exercise of the Profession of Teacher of Secondary Education, Vocational Training, and Languages.

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Iñigo Tellaetxe is the winner of the last action of KoNet

KoNet Iñigo Tellaetxe is the winner of the last action of KoNet 2019·04·09

The last action of KoNet was about sending a meme about the sports service

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Faculty of Humanities and EducationS professor Monika Madinabeitia has published an illustrated book entitled “Petra, my Basque Grandmother”

PUBLCATION Faculty of Humanities and EducationS professor Monika Madinabeitia has published an illustrated book entitled “Petra, my Basque Grandmother” 2019·04·08

Two other faculty professors, Maitane Puebla and Yera Sanchez, took part in the design and illustration of the book.

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