
Investigadores de Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa han recibido el premio a la mejor publicación de la X Conferencia Internacional de Análisis del Ciclo de Vida en Latinoamérica (CICLA 2023)

PREMIO Investigadores de Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa han recibido el premio a la mejor publicación de la X Conferencia Internacional de Análisis del Ciclo de Vida en Latinoamérica (CICLA 2023) 2023·10·06

El trabajo galardonado y desarrollado por Joan Manuel Fernández (investigador), Dani Justel (investigador) y Aitor Picatoste (doctorando) en el marco de la tesis doctoral de este último, centrada en el Análisis de Ciclo de Vida y la Economía Circular de baterías para vehículos eléctricos.

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Kickoff Meeting for the Erasmus+ CoVE EE4M project

MEETING Kickoff Meeting for the Erasmus+ CoVE EE4M project 2023·10·06

On Monday, 02.10.2023, and Tuesday, 03.10.2023, Montanuniversität Leoben hosted the kickoff meeting for the Erasmus+ CoVE EE4M (Engineering Excellence for the Mobility Value Chain) project.

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Mondragon University and AZK hold the second annual ‘Hau da Marka!’ conference on the brand communication of schools

CONFERENCE Mondragon University and AZK hold the second annual ‘Hau da Marka!’ conference on the brand communication of schools 2023·10·05

At the conference, entitled ‘How to communicate the hallmarks of your school’, Grávita branding company founder Iván Díaz will give the keynote presentation, Tecnalia Director of Marketing and Communication Erika Ibáñez will speak about verbal identity, and Ikastola Santo Tomas Lizeoa Head of Communication Iker Bereziartua will discuss visual identity.

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Updated agreements with gyms and sports centers

By yourself Updated agreements with gyms and sports centers 2023·10·04

Would you like to practice physical activity on your own? Take advantage of the advantages you have thanks to our agreements and discounts.

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El alumnado del máster en tecnologías biomédicas visita el hospital de Arrasate para conocer cómo gestionan la planificación del quirófano

VISITA El alumnado del máster en tecnologías biomédicas visita el hospital de Arrasate para conocer cómo gestionan la planificación del quirófano 2023·10·03

La visita está relacionada con la materia trabajada en una de las asignaturas del máster y pretende acercar la realidad del sector hospitalario al alumnado.

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Estudiantes de ingeniería que cursan el itinerario de Energías Renovables y Movilidad Eléctrica visitan la Comunidad Energética de Orexa

VISITA Estudiantes de ingeniería que cursan el itinerario de Energías Renovables y Movilidad Eléctrica visitan la Comunidad Energética de Orexa 2023·10·02

Esta visita ha permitido al alumnado conocer de primera mano un proyecto real que se ha implantado en Gipuzkoa y que responde al reto de la transición energética.

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The yoga course has started in Oñati

HEALTH The yoga course has started in Oñati 2023·10·01

The enpresagintza yoga course is being a success

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The H2EXCELLENCE proyect starts with the aim of generating teaching resources on fuel cells and hydrogen

PROYECT The H2EXCELLENCE proyect starts with the aim of generating teaching resources on fuel cells and hydrogen 2023·09·28

Research staff from the Polytechnic School of Mondragon Unibertsitatea specialising in energy are taking part in this project promoted by the European Commission.

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DBZ launches ERALGADI project

PROYECT DBZ launches ERALGADI project 2023·09·26

ERALGADI seeks to promote capabilities for the transformation of SMEs in Gipuzkoa through human-centred design.

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La Escuela Politécnica Superior de Mondragon Unibertsitatea promueve el concurso ‘Industrial Sustainable Entrepreneurship Awards’, y busca ideas de negocio de base tecnológica o start ups que necesiten la ayuda de un estudiante de ingeniería

COMPETITION La Escuela Politécnica Superior de Mondragon Unibertsitatea promueve el concurso ‘Industrial Sustainable Entrepreneurship Awards’, y busca ideas de negocio de base tecnológica o start ups que necesiten la ayuda de un estudiante de ingeniería 2023·09·22

En la convocatoria que se cerrará el 15 de octubre se otorgarán 6 premios de 15.000€ cada una y podrán presentarse tanto proyectos individuales como grupales. El concurso está patrocinado por Grupo Fagor, Orbea, Centro Stirling y Fagor Ederlan.

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The STEMotiv project, now in its fourth year, has opened registration for schools in Gipuzkoa

STEMotiv project The STEMotiv project, now in its fourth year, has opened registration for schools in Gipuzkoa 2023·09·21

This year, the project will focus on Primary Education. The project aims to understand and influence the interest in and motivation for STEM subjects of students at this educational stage.

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Foreign students at Biteri.

STUDENTS Foreign students at Biteri. 2023·09·21

The foreign students who will spend the first semester with us arrive to Biteri.

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Self-care course

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Once again Yoga, relaxation and postural re-education will be learned at Biteri.

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Alfa and DBZ launch BIRJOSI proiect

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DBZ will assist Alfa Hogar to explore new business model opportunities in the field of circular fashion through human-centred design

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Mondragon University and the University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia hold a conference to analyze collaboration between educational institutions and universities with regard to doctoral dissertations

Doctoral program Mondragon University and the University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia hold a conference to analyze collaboration between educational institutions and universities with regard to doctoral dissertations 2023·09·19

The conference, to be held on September 29 on the Eskoriatza campus, was organized through the Doctoral program in Educational Innovation and Intervention offered by both universities.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea y LABORAL Kutxa firman un acuerdo para poner en marcha espacios denominados Aula LABORAL Kutxa

ACUERDO Mondragon Unibertsitatea y LABORAL Kutxa firman un acuerdo para poner en marcha espacios denominados Aula LABORAL Kutxa 2023·09·18

Uno de los espacios estará en la facultad de ingeniería, en Arrasate, y el otro en la facultad de Enpresagintza, en Bilbao.

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Hiking to Aitzorrotz with the new Erasmus students

Mountain hiking Hiking to Aitzorrotz with the new Erasmus students 2023·09·18

Opportunity to get to know our surroundings through hiking

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This year the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will have 456 new undergraduate students

OPENING OF THE 2023-2024 ACADEMIC YEAR This year the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will have 456 new undergraduate students 2023·09·11

Classes will begin on September 11 and 13 for students in the four degree programs offered by the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences: Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Audiovisual Communication and Global Digital Humanities (GDH).

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Opening of the 2023-2024 academic year of Mondragon Unibertsitatea at the Oñati campus

Opening of the acadmic year Opening of the 2023-2024 academic year of Mondragon Unibertsitatea at the Oñati campus 2023·09·08

The Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, has officially opened the 2023-2024 academic year at Mondragon Unibertsitatea

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Beginning of the academic year at Biteri Hall of Residence

EXCURSION Beginning of the academic year at Biteri Hall of Residence 2023·09·08

The students who will be staying at Biteri this academic year have already arrived

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The road to more renewable energy

WEBINAR The road to more renewable energy 2023·09·06

Fundación Repsol and the Higher Polytechnic School of the University of Mondragón - Mondragón Unibertsitatea are organising this webinar in which the evolution of renewable energies in Spain will be analysed and these issues will be debated, analysing the main challenges they face in their effective deployment.

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Online event on September 21 to reflect on the importance of student exit profiles in educational change

Reimagine Talks Online event on September 21 to reflect on the importance of student exit profiles in educational change 2023·09·04

Two speakers will take part in the presentation: Xavier Aragai, Director of Reimagine Education, and Nagore Ipiña, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University.

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Diego Egizabal: “We studied how written language is taught until children are able to automatically perform the lower-order mental operations involved in reading and writing”

Interview Diego Egizabal: “We studied how written language is taught until children are able to automatically perform the lower-order mental operations involved in reading and writing” 2023·09·04

The dissertation entitled "Idatzizkoaren hasierako irakaskuntza dispositibo didaktikoen argitan. D ereduko ikastetxe baten kasu azterketa [“The initial teaching of writing in light of didactic mechanisms. A case study of a Model D school”] was defended by Diego Egizabal on the Eskoriatza campus in July and earned a rating of Outstanding. We spoke with the author about his research.

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2022-2023 course start dates in the Faculty of Engineering

Start of course 2022-2023 course start dates in the Faculty of Engineering 2023·09·04

Bachelor's and Master's degrees and Advanced Training Cycles will begin in September. The Administration and the Academic Secretary of the Faculty of Engineering will open on 1 September.

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You can now see our offer for the 2023-2024 academic year

Sports and health activities You can now see our offer for the 2023-2024 academic year 2023·09·04

Check out our program and get involved!

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The second edition of the Senior Program on People, Culture and Talent for the Future of Work has ended

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The second edition of the Senior Program in People, Culture and Talent for the Future of Work, carried out in collaboration with ADEGI, has ended

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University seeks to hire two instructors, in digitalization in education and didactics of technology, for its degree programs in Primary Education and Early Childhood education for the 2023-2024 academic year

JOB OPPORTUNITY The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University seeks to hire two instructors, in digitalization in education and didactics of technology, for its degree programs in Primary Education and Early Childhood education for the 2023-2024 academic year 2023·07·26

The deadline to submit CVs is September 10, 2023.

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MTA-LEINN Mondragon Team Academy - Leinn Back in India 2023·07·26

India is back. We are back in India. A classic MTA destination

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Anniversary Surpassing the quarter of a century 2023·07·21

After a year full of events, Mondragon Unibertsitatea concludes its 25th anniversary celebrations.

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COOPERATIVISM Projects from the 15th year of the expert certification course in cooperativism were presented on the Eskoriatza campus 2023·07·18

A total of 16 entities participated this year.

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