This week the XXIV Euskadi university Championship was held
This week the XXIV Euskadi university Championship was held
This week the XXIV Euskadi university Championship was held
Around 550 students have participated in this edition organized by the Mondragon Unibertsitatea sports service.
On Tuesday (March 5) the XXIVth Euskadi University Championship was held in the public sports facilities of Arrasate, Aretxabaleta and Oñati. The four universities of the Basque country participated; EHU-UPV, U.Deusto, Euneiz (for the first time) and Mondragon Unibertsitatea.
The organization of this edition has been in charge of the sports service of Mondragon Unibertsitatea; Around 550 students have participated in the 20 modalities organized in 4 different facilities.
For our part, our representation has been very complete, participating in almost all modalities. The majority have been classified starting from the internal championships of each faculty until winning the Mondragon Unibertsiatea championship and thus obtaining a pass to the Euskadi championship.
In the case of team sports, the champions have qualified for the Spanish championships. As for individual sports, there are other selection criteria.
Many thanks to all the participants, and of course, to the 145 students who have represented Mondragon Unibertsitatea.
You can see the results of the championship in this page.
Gallery of images / Summary video