Access and admission

Official Degree

Master's Degree in Learning Facilitation and Innovation - LIT


60 ETCs

1 year




Bilbao AS Fabrik campus and workshops in Madrid


Spanish or Basque


Online + Face to face workshops

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Access and Admission

Students who wish to gain admission to this Master’s Degree must fulfill either of the following requirements as stipulated by Royal Decree 1393/2007 of October 29 as modified by Royal Decree 861/2010 of July 2: 

  1. In order to gain entry and admission to an official Master’s program, the applicant must hold an official degree from a Spanish university, or a degree granted by any institution of higher education belonging to any other member State of the European Higher Education Area and that is of the appropriate level to allow the applicant entry and admission to Master’s-level studies in the country in which the degree was granted.
  2. The applicant must hold a degree granted by an educational system outside the European Higher Education Area. This degree requires no independent recognition or evaluation, provided that the University has previously confirmed that the educational system in question provides a level of training equivalent to that of the corresponding official degrees granted by Spanish universities and provided that the degree in question is of the appropriate level to allow the applicant entry and admission to postgraduate studies in the country in which the degree was granted. Admission under this requirement in no way entails endorsement of the degree held by the applicant, nor is it recognized for any purpose other than for the applicant to undertake Master’s-level studies.

The objective of the admission process of Mondragon Univesity is to ensure that our students possess the necessary academic level and competence to succeed in an innovative and demanding program of studies.

Acceptance in the program will be determined by the Admissions Committee.