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News published about the Covid-19 by Mondragon University


Student financing plan extended to 2 million euros

Financing program

Student financing plan extended to 2 million euros

Mondragon University increases its financing plan for students affected by the COVID-19 crisis to 2 million euros for the 2020-2021 academic year.



Next year, Mondragon University will activate an extraordinary financing plan consisting of a fund of up to 2 million euros aimed at all families affected by the impact of the coronavirus. The aim of the new plan is to ensure that no one is left without studying at Mondragon Univeristy because of the impact of the coronavirus or for any other economic reason.

For many years now, the University of Mondragon has had a programme called BEKABIDE for social accessibility and financing of studies, which in the last 3 years has supported more than 530 students and families.

Already this academic year 19/20 Mondragon University has strengthened its BEKABIDE programme by means of extraordinary measures to finance studies for students and their families affected by the COVID-19 crisis. These new extraordinary financing plans are dealing with all the requests made by families who have suffered the economic impact of this crisis in a personalised way. The financing framework includes deferral of tuition fees without interest or surcharges, and depending on the evolution of each family situation, the possibility of deferring payments beyond the completion of studies.

The new plan designed for the 20/21 school year doubles the size of the regular programme, and would therefore have the capacity to double the number of families benefiting. In view of the uncertainty of the evolution of the economy in the coming months, Mondragon University will increase the resources of its programmes dedicated to financing studies, and thus ensure that anyone who wants to study at the University of Mondragon can do so.

On the other hand, Mondragon University actively promotes dual and alternate programmes, in collaboration with its partner companies, consisting of study aid grants from which approximately 1,300 students currently benefit.