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News published about the Covid-19 by Mondragon University


The new RDL of 29 March regulating recoverable paid leave for employees providing non-essential services does not affect Mondragon University's online academic activity


The new RDL of 29 March regulating recoverable paid leave for employees providing non-essential services does not affect Mondragon University's online academic activity

The academic activity of the Mondragon University, carried out from their homes by the students and teaching staff of Mondragon University, will not be affected by the new RDL 10/2020 of 29 March. In other words, as in previous weeks, Mondragon University's academic activity will continue to be carried out online.



Following the new Royal Decree-Law 10/2020 of 29 March of the Spanish Government, which regulates recoverable paid leave for employees who do not provide essential services, Mondragon University announces that the academic activity will continue to be offered online as it has been during the last two weeks of confinement. The Royal Decree Law excludes from its scope of application those workers who can continue to carry out their activity by means of teleworking.

In view of this situation, the Mondragon University reaffirms its commitment to the training of all its students and maintains its academic activity, since it is carried out 100% online from the homes of our students and teaching staff. The Rector wanted to reiterate his gratitude and recognition to the students and staff of the University for the effort they are making.

As the Rector stated last week, the University is making an extra effort to adapt the methodologies to be developed online, to convert materials prepared for teaching in the classroom to online formats and to train the entire University of Mondragon community in tools that ensure quality online training.

As far as the situation on our campuses is concerned, all Mondragon University's staff, both teaching and research staff and administration and services staff, will continue to work from their homes in order to guarantee the service being offered both to students and to other types of projects that were being worked on prior to the pandemic.

To the extent that the institutions are making decisions that affect both the day-to-day lives of people and economic activities, the University of Mondragon will provide timely information on the development of its activity.

From the Mondragon University we once again call for individual responsibility to tackle this collective challenge. It is in our hands to contain the spread of the disease and we urge the entire University Community as well as society as a whole to respect the measures that are being suggested to us by all the competent institutions.

We'll get it together.