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News published about the Covid-19 by Mondragon University


Mondragon University takes up the challenge of fighting the spread of the coronavirus and is now offering all its academic activity online


Mondragon University takes up the challenge of fighting the spread of the coronavirus and is now offering all its academic activity online

The Rector of Mondragon University thanks both the students and staff of the University for their efforts and the collaboration shown in this accelerated adaptation to online learning, making the challenge of combating the spread of the coronavirus our own



Mondragon University thanks both the students and the University staff for their efforts and the collaboration shown in this accelerated adaptation to online learning, making the challenge of combating the spread of the coronavirus our own.

In this sense, Mondragon University has been offering all its academic teaching activities online since last week, when, due to the health emergency declared by the Basque Government, all university students must continue their academic activities from their homes.

Likewise, and after the declaration by the State Government of the state of alarm, the personnel of the University, either PAS or PDI, maintain all their teaching and academic activity in telework modality.

Here you can see a small video on how Mondragon University is carrying out its academic activity.

In view of this situation, the Rector of Mondragon University wanted to thank both the students and all the University staff for the effort made in such a short period of time and the attitude of collaboration that is enabling us to continue with academic activity even in this health emergency situation.

From my responsibility as Rector of the Mondragon University, I would like to convey my most sincere thanks and pride in the willingness you have shown in the face of these changes that we are tackling in record time and the recognition of the intense work that you are all doing to be able to continue with our university activity.

This gratitude and recognition is both for the students who, from their homes and respecting the health criteria that the institutions are indicating to us, are following their academic activity, and for the University staff who are making it possible for our routines to come as close as possible to our reality in normal situations.

I would also like to thank the families of our students for the understanding and support shown to our university in the face of this social emergency that we will all be able to overcome.

In view of this situation, Mondragon University reaffirms its commitment to the training of all its students and will continue to improve its capacity to maintain its academic activity online in all its degrees. This commitment will be accompanied by an extra effort in the production of materials and methodologies for online teaching, and in the conversion of materials prepared for teaching in face-to-face format to online formats, as well as in the preparation of equipment, technology and software for extensive online use.

Thank you very much to all of you. We hope that in the shortest time possible we will once again share our classrooms, corridors, libraries, laboratories, etc.

The Rector also wanted to recognize the effort they are making to meet the needs of society and contribute to the maintenance of the country's activity to all those people from different sectors who, due to the characteristics of their jobs, cannot develop it via telework.

And he wanted to especially remember those people who, due to the characteristics of their jobs, make our day-to-day work in this crisis possible, such as those people involved in the supply of food, the functioning of communication systems and, of course, the health sector which, with its generosity, is fighting on the front line in this difficult situation.

From the University of Mondragon we once again call for individual responsibility to tackle this collective challenge. It is in our hands to contain the spread of the disease and we invite the entire University Community as well as society as a whole to respect the measures that are being suggested to us by all the competent institutions.