Leading without gender


Leading without gender

International Women's Day

Leading without gender

'Leading without gender' has been the motto chosen by Mondragon Team Academy (MTA) in Bilbao to celebrate International Women's Day.



The initiative was attended by Teresa Laespada, Regional Deputy of Employment, Social Inclusion and Equality, in charge of the inauguration of the event. LaSpada has made a historical review of the feminist struggle, focusing on relevant dates such as the first feminist strike in 1857, the burning of the textile factory Triangle Shirtwaist in 1911 in NY that claimed the lives of 123 garment workers or Clara Campoamor's struggle for the right to universal suffrage in 1931.

The Deputy has mentioned the responsibility of the universities when it comes to bringing about changes and of the students themselves as agents dedicated to pulling the strings and mobilizing the society that they are supposed to  lead.

The University, said Laespada, should be understood as a place of thought, action and reflection. She has also talked about the responsibility that, in particular, LEINN students have, a degree in Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Innovation, to promote a leading leadership, without gender, a motto with which it has felt fully identified. LaSpada has expressed feeling also aligned with the spirit of equality in positive promoted by the act. Laespada has mentioned the study of the World Economic Forum that states that there are 100 years to achieve equality between men and women. The Deputy has been emphatic in stating that we can not afford to wait so long.

After the inauguration by Teresa Laespada has taken place the celebration of a round table that has had the intervention of Nadia Maestro of redALDE, Socio-Labor Activation Network Of and For Entrepreneurs, Ainara Castellanos, PhD in Biology and researcher of Ikerbasque , Lorea Argarate, entrepreneur in the TZBZ cooperative and member and dj of Las Tea Party and Isabel Liébana, co-founder of Tellmewow. The debate, held in the building's own bar, Dock, has had a very close tone to the audience that has been able to intervene freely in a dialogue full of wealth and openness. The guests have shown with their testimonies the greatness that lies in looking for feminine leaders and references that are closer than historical or unattainable. The four have agreed on the importance of paying attention to invisible micromachisms and the importance of evidencing them.
The Inspira project, promoted by the University of Deusto and Elhuyar Fundazioa, has been put in value, aimed at 6th grade girls and which seeks to encourage them to develop intellectually and professionally in science careers. The work is done through mentoring figures that seek to mitigate the influence of their environments that typically perceive that science is not for them.

The event ended with an ideation exercise around the question "what is feminism for you?", In which all the guests have been encouraged to reflect and participate.

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