Policy Statement

Erasmus Policy Statement

Mondragon University is a cooperative university within Mondragon Corporation, the 7th industrial group in Spain, integrated by 264 companies and bodies and more than 81.000 employees with the presence of production units in 30 countries, with a clear human vocation and a commitment to our environment, our society and our time. Boosting the international dimension of Mondragon University is one of the Strategic Challenges identified in our Strategic Plan for the period 2017-2020. The strategic goals are:

  • To boost and enhance student and staff mobility and cooperation with universities, technology centres, and organizations.
  • To strengthen the positioning of international Mondragon University’s offer.

Continuing participating in the Erasmus Programme will contribute to the following objectives defined in Mondragon University’s internationalisation strategy:

  • Improve the linguistic and multicultural competencies in an increasingly more global world of our Bachelor, Master and PhD students and staff as part of their educational experience by promoting the student’ international mobility. Our purpose is to continue promoting and enhancing the international mobility experience of both outgoing and incoming students and staff.
  • Improve the competitiveness and innovation level of the university by promoting the cooperation with other universities, technology centres and organisations.

More specifically, the participation will contribute to:

  1. Tackling skills mismatches and promoting excellence in skills development.
  2. Building inclusive and connected higher education systems.
  3. Ensuring higher education institutions contribute to innovation.
  4. Supporting effective and efficient higher education systems.




Escuela Politécnica Superior





Mondragon Unibertsitatea