

Issue 76 of the education journal ‘Jakingarriak’ has been published


Issue 76 of the education journal ‘Jakingarriak’ has been published

The Faculty of Humanities and Education has published Issue 76 of the education journal ‘Jakingarriak.” In this latest issue, the editors review the 40-year history of the Faculty. The journal is available online.



This issue, which is devoted primarily to the 40 years of existence of the Faculty of Humanities and Education, includes regular sections such as opinion articles and reviews of new publications, as well as a broad review of the various activities and projects carried out by the different research groups of the Faculty. Additionally, different instructors in the Faculty present a number of challenges for the educational system and for the Faculty itself.

The journal was founded in 1985, it is free, and it is published in Basque. The present issue had a print run of 3,000 copies, which have been distributed throughout the Basque Country.