The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will publish a monthly newsletter


The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will publish a monthly newsletter


The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will publish a monthly newsletter

The online newsletter will include the most relevant Faculty news and will be available in Basque and Spanish.



The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University will publish a new monthly online newsletter. The newsletter is free and can be received by subscription; those who have expressed their interest have already received the first issue, dated November.

This new newsletter will report the main developments of the Faculty, taking into account the areas of knowledge the Faculty focuses on: education, communication, humanities and cooperativism. Additionally, the publication will report on events that have been organized and are open to the public: conferences, meetings, webinars... It will also include information about the academic offerings of the Faculty.

To subscribe to the Faculty newsletter:

This newsletter is not the only one published by the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences, since KoLaborategia, the Education and Communication Laboratory for the Digital Society, recently published issue 39 of its own newsletter. In this case, the issues are monographic and address specific topics in digitalization, education and communication. Read the November issue, dedicated to Learning Analytics.

To subscribe to the KoLaborategia newsletter: