
Big participation in the spring championship of MGEP

180 PLAYERS IN MUSAKOLA Big participation in the spring championship of MGEP 2018·05·30

In men´s championship Goierri 3. maila has won, and in the case of women Erromako Zubia.

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Cooperativism celebration in honor of the 10th anniversary of the Special Degree in Cooperativism

COOPERATIVISM Cooperativism celebration in honor of the 10th anniversary of the Special Degree in Cooperativism 2018·05·29

A celebration in honor of the 10th anniversary of the Specialist Degree in Cooperativism will take place on June 7, on the Eskoriatza campus.

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Postgrado en Innovación Deportiva. Pionero en Euskadi

Nuevo Postgrado Postgrado en Innovación Deportiva. Pionero en Euskadi 2018·05·28

Un postgrado pionero en Euskadi que nace para cubrir la necesidad de capacitar profesionales con nuevas metodologías innovadoras en el ámbito de la gestión de entidades deportivas y equipos deportivos.

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Good atmosphere

Sociocultural Good atmosphere 2018·05·28

Taking a rest after a long studying day, who said that Mondays were boring?

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Entrega de Diplomas Campus Oñati

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea entregó los diplomas a 102 alumnos/as de grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas y de máster de su Campus de Oñati

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Pelota player and Early Childhood Education student Jokin Altuna wins the Singles Handball Championship

PELOTA Pelota player and Early Childhood Education student Jokin Altuna wins the Singles Handball Championship 2018·05·27

The student from Amezketa beat Aimar Olaizola 14-22 in the final match, which was played in Bilbao.

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Gorka Aguinaga llega a la final de Uhaina

Surf-Bodyboard Gorka Aguinaga llega a la final de Uhaina 2018·05·25

University Championship of Surf of France

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The Basque Government certifies fifteen dual degrees from Mondargon Unibertsitatea

Dual trining The Basque Government certifies fifteen dual degrees from Mondargon Unibertsitatea 2018·05·23

Mondragon Unibertsitatea is a pioneering Basque university in dual training

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Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa celebra su 75 aniversario con un emotivo acto en el Kursaal

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El acto rindió un homenaje a personas especialmente vinculadas con la historia y el desarrollo de la institución académica.

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Nora Latatu Ikus-entzunezko 4. mailako ikasleak irabazi du Euspot-eko sari nagusia

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Nora Latatu unibertsitateko ikasleak bi sari irabazi ditu: lehena, sari nagusia, ex equo, Andoni Martinez de Madina, Ieneko Ruiz de Azua, Iratxe Agilera taldeak aurkeztutako lanarekin batera, eta, bigarrena, Mondragon Unibertsitateko ikasleek aurkeztutako lan onenaren saria. Aurtengo edizioak 73 spot bildu ditu.

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All the students enjoyed the waves of Zurriola

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On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Mondragon Team Academy (MTA), we invite you to "TeamTalks", the conference on entrepreneurship within organizations and companies as a generator of change.

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La exposición estará en el edificio de la Biblioteca de la Escuela Politécnica Superior de Mondragon Unibertsitatea del 15 al 25 mayo

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La red de emprendimiento MONDRAGON TEAM ACADEMY celebra su 10º aniversario formando a 1.300 personas emprendedoras de todo el mundo

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Announcing a new specialist course entitled “The role of the teacher in innovation in Childhood Education

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The new course, which will be taught by the Faculty of Humanities and Education, is primarily aimed at professionals who are active in Childhood Education.

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The second session of the first aid course started with an improvised practical case.

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The 15th annual Literary Meeting organized by the Faculty of Humanities and Education will take place on May 16.

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The 11th Companies race was on the 6th of May, in Donostia.

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Urko Zurutuza participará con una ponencia sobre las personas responsables de equipos productivos conectados y las competencias que éstas deben poseer.

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The members of the emergency group received the first session of a first aid course.

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The fourth session of Magic, leaded by Imanol Ituiño, means the ending of the Magic Cycle of Biteri.

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El proyecto MANTIS tiene como objetivo principal desarrollar soluciones tecnológicas y plataformas que mejoren las actividades de mantenimiento en diferentes sectores.

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Three experts will take part in the conference entitled “Journey to silence: reflections on the keys to full human development,” which will take place on the Eskoriatza campus.

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It´s time to repeat the experience at the Hall of Residence. We another great magician is coming, David the Mage.

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En esta visita que ha durado tres días, los estudiantes del Máster de Tecnologías Biomédicas han conocido de la mano de los expertos, técnicas para el análisis de los datos biomédicos y sistemas de asistencia sanitaria por medio de imágenes.

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