

Talk with athletes students


Talk with athletes students

See the video


This week, Alexander Iriondo, Goizalde Aransolo and Martin Sudupe, students of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, elite athletes have told us about their experience during the weeks we have been confined or semi-confined, how they have been able to carry out their training and what prospects they have for the future. You can see the recording of the colloquium at these links: 1st part-presentations and 2nd part-talk.

On the other hand, remember that you can see our on live sessions in this link, and giving continuity to the running plans that have been sent in the previous two weeks, here you can see the plan for next week!

Finally, remember that you can see all our proposals at this link and that we leave you here a selection of films and documentaries related to physical activity, sport and health 

Cheer up. #Istayathome but active

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