Don't take it for granted: accept, celebrate and be thankful: MTA BILBO


Don't take it for granted: accept, celebrate and be thankful: MTA BILBO

MTA Bilbo

Don't take it for granted: accept, celebrate and be thankful: MTA BILBO

From September to August, another year and not just any year



Looking back, where is the welcoming of the LEINNers who are already in the second generation?

From that moment around us there have been audits, evaluations, Knowledge Days like the one we lived to analyze the values of the MTA Bilbo community or moments of closing the circle as the presentation of the FDPs (Final Degree Projects) and graduation.

A year where, as every year in MTA, the learning trips or Learning Journeys have marked the experience. Destinations such as Berlin, Costa Rica, Seoul and India have had the opportunity to learn what LEINN can contribute to these ecosystems. Always from giving and receiving, eman hartuak garatzen. Empathy and respect. Starting by observing, asking questions and reading until they get to live the same as other people in a different environment are living.

One year of the 15th anniversary of MTA. An anniversary that is being lived as a process, because yes, the important thing is the process. And if we are together in that process, the road is more fun and more learning. More complex? Surely also.

You don't have to go that far to find diversity. The BBF (Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria) as a space (and something more) that we inhabit has those ingredients. After a session in February (here are the conclusions of the Egintzaileak/Hacedoras session) we are on the way to put the BBF (Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria) as a space (and something more) that we inhabit. Bizi Bizirik gaudelako. And yes, not to continue taking for granted, there is also one more milestone here, since 10 years have passed since the BBF project began.

In this extended BBF there have been dozens of important moments such as the B Global Talent program, the Course in Investment and Team Entrepreneurship or the 10th anniversary of Tazebaez, a cooperative that inhabits the BBF and emerged in the birth of LEINN.

It is time to accept privileges, ask forgiveness for everything that has caused more pain than value, thank all the feedback received and celebrate that we continue to evolve, together. This is only possible with the occasional help, life support, support and collaboration of hundreds of people. Together, we are.

Now it is time to stop. Then it will be time to ask ourselves. It is time to ask ourselves the better questions.

What model of collaboration do we want to build at BBF?

What would we change, keep and take away at MTA if we put life at the center?

What is the model of entrepreneurship we want to inhabit?

Any more ...


MTA Bilbo