Nagore Bermeosolo: “I love everything that has to do with srtificial intelligence”


Nagore Bermeosolo: “I love everything that has to do with srtificial intelligence”


Nagore Bermeosolo: “I love everything that has to do with srtificial intelligence”

We have conducted an interview with Nagore Bermeosolo, a student of the BDatA degree, with the aim of learning more about this new degree



Nagore Bermeosolo is an 18-year-old girl from Gernika, and is currently pursuing a Business Data Analytics Degree from Mondragon Unibertsitatea, a pioneer degree in Euskadi that responds to the high demand of companies to incorporate in their professional templates with specific training in Big Data and in data analysis. It is preparing for one of the most requested professions by such important sectors as banking, telecommunications, industry, consumption ... 

Briefly define yourself: Who is Nagore? What hobbies do you have? What do you like to do in your free time?

I am a girl who loves art in general, but most of all I love the world of music. I am also a fan of mathematics, which although many do not believe it, they are the basis of music as of many other things! I love playing the piano and singing, and you could say that I have a "little group" with two friends of mine. I would love to travel with them to be able to give small concerts around the world. 

You combine music with university studies, right? What are you studying?

I am studying Business Data Analytics, a degree in business-oriented data science. The degree combines the most theoretical classes with practical classes that allow us to internalize the concepts and learn by doing and undoing. I decided to do the degree because I was passionate about mathematics, but I had never come to understand the usefulness they could have in real life.
When I discovered the degree and informed myself about it, I really wanted to know more about all this data science, and once I went to the open doors of the university I knew it was my thing. 

How is your learning experience at Mondragon Unibertsitatea?

The learning process is very different from that of the institute(high school) years. In high school the classes were much more theoretical and did not get to relate the concepts I learned with reality, nor did I know how to interconnect different subjects. That's why I knew that most of the agenda was going to be forgotten shortly after taking an exam. In the degree, however, the focus is not on the exam, it is assumed that you have to know the theory. Learning is in applying it to real situations. Each class is so relevant and practical that if you don't attend one day, you lose the thread. 

You tell me that you learn based on the resolution of challenges: What is the last challenge you have solved?

The last challenge we have solved has been in collaboration with Innobasque, the Basque Innovation Agency. This challenge was to help Innobasque to detect the factors by which Euskal Herria has dropped in position in the RIS (Regional Innovation Scoreboard of the EU). In addition, we have analyzed a large amount of economic and competitive data from regions that have been previously labeled as advanced and leaders in innovation, and we have identified what factors could increase the likelihood of making Euskadi an increasingly competitive and innovation-leading region . 

In the challenges you have a customer, right? Tell us what role the company plays in the challenge.

Yes, we have a customer who comes to the classroom at the beginning of each challenge to present their problem. The company is fundamental in the challenges since the decisions must be taken focusing on customer needs.
Knowing very well the area in which it moves, the sector, the company, its customers and the problems it faces is the focus of our work. 

What would you highlight most about the degree? Any experience you want to share?

I would highlight from this degree that for the first time I have begun to understand what it is to work on a real, real project, and all that this implies. When facing real challenges, it is inevitable to work very hard to meet the needs of our client, which makes us learn very quickly and efficiently.

In addition, in the degree we not only acquire professional skills but at the same time we work a lot of personal skills (team management, communication, analytical mind, creativity ...) This helps us learn to work in teams and get to know each other better . After all, the degree not only provides you with tools to train in a Data Science professional but also teaches you to learn from others and that others learn from you. 

If you could influence your professional future ... Where would you like to work?

The truth is that although I am sure that I want to work in this world of data science, I am still not sure which sector I like the most. I suppose that once we have solved several challenges from different industries and markets, I will be clearer which motivates me the most.

At the moment I will enjoy each of the challenges since each one gives me knowledge of totally different fields. The only thing that I am clear about is that everything that has to do with Artificial Intelligence catches my attention, and I hope to learn more about it, but time to time! I am also clear that I want to work outside some years to be able to train in different countries and thus have a global vision of how the world works.