Mondragon Unibertsitatea ranks first at the State level in the transfer in the U-Multirank ranking.


Mondragon Unibertsitatea ranks first at the State level in the transfer in the U-Multirank ranking.


Mondragon Unibertsitatea ranks first at the State level in the transfer in the U-Multirank ranking.

Mondragon Unibertsitatea has been rated as excellent in several parameters of the 5 dimensions of the U-Multirank world university ranking



Mondragon Unibertsitatea has been rated as excellent in different parameters of the five dimensions analysed in the U-Multirank university rankings, which covers research, education (teaching and learning), knowledge transfer, internationalisation and links with the regional environment. The rankings highlight, in particular, the role of Mondragon Unibertsitatea in the transfer of knowledge and its commitment and contribution to regional development. U-Multirank, which involves more than 1,600 universities around the world, is considered the largest and most detailed university ranking worldwide.

In the area of knowledge transfer, Mondragon Unibertsitatea ranks 37th in Europe and first at the State level. It is rated excellent in sections such as co-authorships with industrial partners mainly, highlighting research income from private sources, patents in collaboration with the industry, spin-offs created, and income from continuing education for professionals.

In the dimension of commitment and contribution to regional development, in the case of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, the volume of income from the different regional sources of funding and the ratio of undergraduate students working in the region stand out as excellent, as the university stands out with the lowest unemployment rate in the Basque Country.

Research is another area where the university stands out, with an excellent rating in the ratio of publications and attraction of external funding for research.

In the dimension of teaching and learning, the University stands out with a very good qualification practically in all the sections, where the ratio of the graduation rate in degree and masters and in the rate of those who finish those studies of degree and master are emphasized on time.

Finally, in the dimension of international orientation, student mobility has been rated excellent.


U-Multirank is considered the largest and most detailed university ranking worldwide and has just published its sixth online edition ( It is a unique tool to compare university performance at the international level.

This edition presents information on more than higher education 1,600 institutions, with growth in terms of the sample of results year after year. The universities contemplated in the study come from 95 countries.

These rankings offer a complete overview of the different results of the universities in five dimensions: teaching and learning, research, knowledge transfer, international orientation, and link with the regional environment.

The multidimensional approach of U-Multirank compares university performance across a range of different grade activities from “1” (excellent) to “5” (weak).
It does not produce a ranking table of the world’s “top 100” universities based on composite scores. Instead, it allows users to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a university, or the aspects that most interest them.

U-Multirank shows that it is difficult to find a university that is excellent in all its aspects and that this excellence is distributed across different universities. In summary, the concept of the world’s “best” university depends on what you are looking for.

This allows both students and companies to approach the universities that excel in the areas in which they are interested, whether they are study, participation in collaborative projects, or hiring of graduates.