EKOBI: A boost towards Eco-Industrial Parks in Bidasoa


EKOBI: A boost towards Eco-Industrial Parks in Bidasoa

Eco-Industrial Parks

EKOBI: A boost towards Eco-Industrial Parks in Bidasoa

EKOBI is born as a project between the Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea-MIK and the Department of Economic Promotion, Tourism and Rural Environment of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and the collaboration of Bidasoa Activa



The EKOBI project was born with the clear objective of promoting the transformation of industrial parks into eco-industrial parks through inter-entrepreneurship initiatives and smart alliances in Bidasoa.

An eco-industrial park is a community of manufacturing and service companies located together on a common property. Member companies seek to improve environmental, economic and social performance through collaboration on environmental and resource management issues.

Industrial symbiosis is applied as a key strategy for transition. Industrial symbiosis involves traditionally separate entities in a collective approach to competitive advantage involving the physical exchange of materials, energy, water and by-products.


The phases that are developed throughout the project are the following:

1.- Diagnosis of Ecosystem Agents.

The configuration of the ecosystem agents is diagnosed; focusing on the role played by the industrial parks. 

2.- Definition of Opportunity Spaces.

Opportunity spaces are defined to identify inter-entrepreneurship initiatives through intelligent alliances between companies, promoting the transition from industrial parks to eco-industrial parks. 

3.- Activation of Inter-entrepreneurship Initiatives.

Inter-entrepreneurship initiatives are activated through intelligent alliances within the framework of the industrial park.

4.- Design of the Transformation Model.

A model is designed to establish the basis for the transformation of industrial parks into eco-industrial parks. 


In this project we can visualize different types of benefits, among them would be the economic, social and environmental benefits. 
The main benefits of implementing this project are the following:

Economic Benefits. 

  • Creation of direct and indirect employment; 
  • Savings in waste disposal costs, reduction of resource and energy consumption; 
  • Increased competitiveness 
  • Sustainability at l/p of the park and the companies. 

Social benefits 

  • Creation of local jobs; 
  • Better working conditions; 
  • Development of talent in the territory; 
  • Welfare of the local community; 
  • Increased participation and commitment; 
  • Improved gender equity; 
  • Improved safety. 

Environmental Benefits 

  • Reduced pollution levels through more efficient use of resources (raw materials, water, energy); 
  • Reduction, reuse and recycling of waste; 
  • Improved management of chemical and hazardous substances; 
  • Preservation and protection of biodiversity and nature.