What makes us different

Official Degree

Management Assistance


2 years


Oñati Gestio Heziketa


Euskera, Spanish



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PDF Catalogue

Practical Learning

Our academic programme provides a response to the technical needs of our local companies. The study programme followed by students of Oñati Gestio Heziketa is based in an active-collaborative methodology based in finding solutions to real or realistic challenges that can arise in a professional setting. 

Consequently, we can ensure that our students acquire professional skills that are in demand in the labour market.


Close to Students

One of the pillars of the education we provide our students is the involvement of professors in the learning process.

  • Monitoring and collaboration in the learning process.
  • Promoting initiative and support, with experience, solving problems that may arise in the workplace.
  • High technical level adapted to practical training.
  • Access to and contact with professors


Companies and the Labour Market

During your studies, you will have direct contact with companies, starting with workshops with speakers from companies, visits to companies and completing your studies with training in the workplace.

We promote student mobility within the Basque Autonomous Community and in Spain or abroad through Erasmus + programmes.

At Oñati Gestio Heziketa, we have always been defined by our closeness to companies and that is why we emphasize Dual education, which gives our students the opportunity to alternate studying and working.