
The Zotero bibliographic manager has been updated, offering new features

NEWS FROM ZOTERO 7 The Zotero bibliographic manager has been updated, offering new features 2024·10·10

Zotero, the reference management tool, has released a new version: Zotero 7. This update introduces some significant changes and new features.

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This year, the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will have 204 new students in its Master’s degree programs

Master’s degree programs in the 2024-2025 academic year This year, the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will have 204 new students in its Master’s degree programs 2024·10·09

The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will have 204 new students in the five Master’s degree programs it is offering in the current academic year.

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Biteri Hall of Residence Talk about blood donations 2024·10·09

They came to give a talk about blood donations from Osakidetza

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