
Spanish University Golf Championship

Lucas Hart represents Mondragon University Spanish University Golf Championship 2022·05·30

Championship held in Antequera (Malaga)

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The Faculty of Business, through its entrepreneurship unit Mondragon Team Academy, signs an agreement with the University of Seoul

Agreement MTA The Faculty of Business, through its entrepreneurship unit Mondragon Team Academy, signs an agreement with the University of Seoul 2022·05·27

The aim of this agreement is to collaborate in training in entrepreneurship, as well as in supporting the creation of new companies

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The Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea and the Chamber of Commerce of Gipuzkoa close the XII edition of the Executive MBA

Certificates awarded The Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea and the Chamber of Commerce of Gipuzkoa close the XII edition of the Executive MBA 2022·05·27

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THESIS The student Iker Legarda Gabiria obtained an OUTSTANDING CUM LAUDE qualification with 'International Doctorate' mention 2022·05·26

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Bilbao City Council inaugurate a sculpture of Don Jose María Arizmendiarrieta on the University's 25th anniversary

Inauguration Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Bilbao City Council inaugurate a sculpture of Don Jose María Arizmendiarrieta on the University's 25th anniversary 2022·05·25

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea presents the diplomas of its LEINN degree and Master to 150 graduates in Bilbao

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The ceremony for the awarding of diplomas for this official degree in Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, a pioneer in Spain, was held on Friday, May 20 at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao

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The event, organized as part of the activities of the Master’s degree program in Teacher Training in Gastronomy, will begin at 4:00 p.m. and will last one hour.

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A cook that works in a boat spoke to us about his lifestyle

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El desarrollo de una hoja de ruta compartida entre Empresas, Administración y Universidades resulta clave para la promoción del empleo de calidad en nuestro ecosistema socioeconómico. El 9 de junio se expondrán los resultados del proyecto EUE2030, compartiendo los retos y actividades identificados por los agentes de la triple hélice.

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Agurtzane Martínez, coordinator of the Master’s Degree Program in Learning Facilitation and Innovation (Lit), will facilitate the session, which will take place at Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria (BBF). The session will last two hours.

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Las mejoras permitirán desarrollar la tecnología de corte fino en semicaliente para poder trabajar con materiales de alta resistencia, que son cada vez más demandados para aligerar las estructuras, entre otros, en el sector de la automoción

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El concurso Enpresa Sortuz está dirigido a estudiantes, exestudiantes o personal trabajador de ingeniería de Mondragon Unibertsitatea, así como a proyectos externos que quieran incorporar talento de nuestra universidad. Todo ello, dentro de un marco que promueve ideas innovadoras de productos, servicios y negocios de base tecnológica y sostenible.

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The STEMotiv project and EMBRYO are also finalists in the second annual STEAM Euskadi Awards.

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The aim has been to set up a collaborative network to help in the strategic planning of the talent of the companies in the territory, in the fields of management and data analytics

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Awarded the diplomas Mondragon Unibertsitatea awarded the diplomas of the degree in Business Administration and Management (myGADE) and master's degrees to 177 graduates 2022·05·17

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Paulo Arrieta has represented Mondragon Unibertsitatea Spanish University Judo Championship 2022·05·16

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The winner of the 2021 National Poetry Prize was on the Eskoriatza campus to participate in the 2nd-year Education module, “I, you, and we. We are bodies.”

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¡Participa en la convocatoria y convierte la facilitación Answer the call and turn facilitation into your professional hallmark! Applications must be submitted by June 22.

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