

Representatives of Diseinu Berrikuntza Zentroa offer a workshop in Adegi


Representatives of Diseinu Berrikuntza Zentroa offer a workshop in Adegi

A group of professionals of DBZ guides the workshop “Industrial Design as a business strategy” held in Adegi



A group of representatives from Diseinu Berrikuntza Zentroa of the Faculty of Engineering of Mondragon delivered the conference “Industrial Design as a Business Strategy” in Adegi. The participants were Itsaso González, Arantxa Gonzalez de Heredia, Ion Iriarte, and Ganix Lasa, all of them professors and researchers from DBZ of the Higher Polytechnic School. At the event, they explained the methodology used by Mondragon Unibertsitatea, based on thinking for whom it is designed, knowing the needs of these users, investigating problems that are not obvious, transforming them into an opportunity, and innovative conclusions to integrate them into the business culture.

Delving into industrial design

Industrial Design is intended to shape the products that surround us by facilitating people’s daily lives in a creative, innovative and environmentally friendly way. Thus, Industrial Design is an activity closely related to business innovation, with the industrial design engineer as the person responsible for proposing the new proposals to be later materialised by the industry. The purpose of the conference was to present the methodology of people-centred innovation as a model of non-technological innovation, in addition to creating a forum where companies share experiences and discuss the opportunities and barriers of this type of innovation.