

International students visit Mondragon to find out about the Mondragon Cooperative Experience


International students visit Mondragon to find out about the Mondragon Cooperative Experience

Students from the Master's Degree in Cooperative Enterprise and Social Business Management have spent a week at Mondragon Unibertsitatea together with several participants from the first edition of the course Keys to the Mondragon Cooperative Experience



Eight international students have spent a week at Mondragon Unibertsitatea, to get to know the Mondragon Cooperative Experience in situ. During the third week of April, the students of the University Master's Degree in Cooperativism and Socio-business Management came to the Faculty of Humanities and Sciences, together with the participants of the first edition of the course Keys to the Mondragon Cooperative Experience.


Guided by the LANKI Institute of Cooperative Studies, the students visited cooperatives in different areas, since, as part of the syllabus, both the students on the Master's Degree in Cooperative Enterprise and Social Business Management and those on the course Keys to the Mondragon Cooperative Experience have the opportunity to learn first-hand about the Mondragon Cooperative Experience.


The first sessions took place at the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences, and firstly, they visited Arizmendi Ikastola to find out about the day-to-day workings of an educational cooperative. On their visit to Copreci they were immersed in an industrial co-operative, while at their meeting with the Fagor Group they talked about social transformation, sustainability and territorial development. They focused on the financial sphere with Laboral Kutxa and Lagun Aro, and learnt about the experiences of Eroski, Danobat and GSR. They also took part in several sessions in Otalora, at the Mondragon Management and Cooperative Development Centre, and also had the opportunity to share ideas with the Association of Friends of Arizmendiarrieta.