MUniversitas is a magazine created in 2005 by Mondragon University, published three times a year with the aim of making the university known among Basque society.
It has 28 pages that reflect the events in the univesity and faculties, its projects, successes and concerns. It has a circulation of around 5,600 copies which are ditributed aong students, workers, the media, companies, organisations and entities in various fields.
N 12 | SUMMER 2009
N 11 | WINTER 2009
N 10 | AUTUMM 2008
N 9 | SUMMER 2008
N 8 | WINTER 2008
N 7 | AUTUMM 2007
N 6 | SUMMER 2007
N 5 | WINTER 2006
N 4 | AUTUMM 2006
N 3 | SUMMER 2006
N 2 | WINTER 2005
N 1 | AUTUMM 2005